Optimization guide NRDC Center for Market Innovation Energy Performance Optimization Guide NOVEMBER IB - -B Project Director Wendy Fok RA LEED AP Center for Market Innovation Natural Resources Defense Council Principal Authors Wendy Fok Jay Or ?eld Lauren

NRDC Center for Market Innovation Energy Performance Optimization Guide NOVEMBER IB - -B Project Director Wendy Fok RA LEED AP Center for Market Innovation Natural Resources Defense Council Principal Authors Wendy Fok Jay Or ?eld Lauren Zullo Contributing Authors Greg Hale Yerina Mugica CAbout NRDC NRDC Natural Resources Defense Council is a national nonpro ?t environmental organization with more than million members and online activists Since our lawyers scientists and other environmental specialists have worked to protect the world ? s natural resources public health and the environment NRDC has o ?ces in New York City Washington D C Los Angeles San Francisco Chicago Livingston and Beijing Visit us at www nrdc org About NRDC's Center for Market Innovation The core mission of the Center for Market Innovation CMI is to expand the impact of the Natural Resources Defense Council NRDC by creating market conditions that will redirect capital ows toward sustainable uses We believe that engaging mainstream capital is a critical component in achieving our common goals We do so by engaging with the business community to articulate and implement sustainable value propositions with a current focus on energy e ?ciency water management and regenerative agriculture A collaborative approach between building owners and occupants is essential to optimizing the performance of commercial o ?ce buildings and tenant demand will be a critical factor in driving the market toward optimizing commercial building performance The Natural Resources Defense Council ? s Center for Market Innovation CMI has established a High Performance Demonstration Project the ??Project ? aimed at accelerating demand for high performance tenant spaces in the commercial o ?ce market by demonstrating their economic bene ?ts The Project aims to promote the compounding e ?ect of owner tenant collaboration as tenants who value high performance spaces choose to locate or remain in buildings with highly e ?cient central systems and transparent energy management practices As a result building owners investing in central system energy e ?ciency improvements will not only garner operating savings but will also gain competitive advantage in attracting and retaining these high value tenants Acknowledgments The principal authors of this report wish to acknowledge and thank for providing information or material reviewing drafts or otherwise assisting in preparing this guide Kyung-Ah Park and Kevin Smith Goldman Sachs Elizabeth Heider Emily Shackles Jimmy Mitchell SKANSKA John Weale Integral Group Andrea Burnham Henny van Lambalgen QUEST Energy Steven Snyder Kelly Smith Olivia Nix Clay Nesler Paul Rode Johnson Controls Grace Gill and Lisa Copland NRDC CMI has engaged several industry leaders as technical advisors for the Project including Goldman Sachs Johnson Controls Jones Lang LaSalle Malkin Holdings SKANSKA and ULI Greenprint This work is made possible by the generous support of Goldman Sachs and the Rockefeller Foundation Cover photo Nicholas van der Grinten Photographer for the Empire State Building NRDC Director of Communications Phil Gutis NRDC Deputy Director of Communications Lisa Go ?redi NRDC Policy Publications Director Alex Kennaugh NRDC Publications Editor Carlita Salazar Design and Production Tanja Bos

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  • Publié le Apv 11, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 73.4kB