Parents guide 1 ? 'CARING ?FOR ?KIDS ? ? Parents ?Information ?Guide ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? THOSE ?WHO ?CARE ?HELP ?US ?GROW ? ? ? ? ? Dear ?Parents ? ? CARING ?FOR ?KIDS ?extends ?a ?warm ?welcome ?to ?you ?and ?your ?child ?

? 'CARING ?FOR ?KIDS ? ? Parents ?Information ?Guide ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? THOSE ?WHO ?CARE ?HELP ?US ?GROW ? ? ? ? ? Dear ?Parents ? ? CARING ?FOR ?KIDS ?extends ?a ?warm ?welcome ?to ?you ?and ?your ?child ? ?We ?o ?er ?a ?very ? special ?child ?care ?program ?located ?near ?your ?place ?of ?employment ? ? We ? provide ? a ? warm ? happy ? environment ? where ? your ? child's ? positive ? feelings ? about ? himself ?and ?others ?are ?fostered ?a ?place ?where ?each ?child ?is ?encouraged ?to ?learn ?and ?grow ? at ?his ?own ?individual ?pace ? ? Our ? parent ? information ? guide ? is ? attached ? and ? provides ? additional ? information ? concerning ? our ? program ? ? Careful ? reading ? of ? this ? information ? will ? help ? make ? your ? child's ? experience ?at ?our ?center ?a ?happy ?and ?successful ?one ? ? We ? are ? now ? accepting ? enrollment ? applications ? ? We ? are ? looking ? forward ? to ? the ? participation ?of ?you ?and ?your ?child ?at ?our ?center ? ? ? ? ? ? Sincerely ? ? CARING ?FOR ?KIDS ?INC ? ? ? ? ? ? Mavy ?Ghavim ? Executive ?Director ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? HOURS ?OF ?OPERATION ? CARING ?FOR ?KIDS ? Monday ?- ? ?Friday ? ?AM ?- ? ? ?PM ? AGES Weeks to Years When you register your child you will need to pay a registration fee Tuition is due two weeks in advance Neither the registration fee nor tuition is refundable There are no fee reductions for holidays vacations nor illnesses There may be a small yearly increase in fees A reduction in tuition is available for the second child and subsequent children in the same family PHILOSOPHY CARING FOR KIDS provides a warm supportive environment where children's physical social emotional and intellectual development is optimal The center is a safe child-oriented space where children can explore discover and create Children's feelings of self- con ?dence is fostered and self-reliance is encouraged Parent involvement is an important aspect of any successful early childhood program We anticipate a partnership between parents and CARING FOR KIDS We provide a support system to the parents This involves information guidance assistance referral and emotional support when needed Young children need to use all senses vision hearing touch and even smell and taste to learn Our preschool environment includes materials and activities which encourage the child to use these modalities to explore and understand Children are most motivated to learn when they have a high degree of choice in the educational activities in which they engage They need to have freedom to move from one activity

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  • Publié le Jan 16, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 48.1kB