Supporting people who use aac strategies in the home school amp community

Supporting People who use AAC Strategies in the Home School Community Fourth Edition - February CSupporting People who use AAC Strategies in the Home School and Community ? This document is published by Special Education Technology - British Columbia a provincial resource program of the BC Ministry of Education It is based on the previous work by this group a document called ??AAC A Way of Thinking ? Acknowledgements Contributors to this guide Linda Calliou SET-BC Region Lower Mainland Southwest BC Suzanne Harwood SET-BC Region Vancouver Island Central Coast Anne MacCallum Assistive Technology Seating Service G F Strong Rehab Centre Je ? Riley CAYA ?? Communication Assistance for Young Adults Kathy Ryan SET-BC Region Okanagan Lois Turner CAYA ?? Communication Assistance for Young Adults Most of the examples of communication overlays in this guide were created using BoardmakerTM software from Mayer- Johnson Inc CTable of Contents Introduction About SET-BC About CAYA About ATSS Preamble AAC Myths Dispelled Section Planning for the Use of AAC Technologies Team Roles Including People Who Use AAC Assessment System Components Transitions Section AAC Intervention Intervention Models Approaches and Techniques Communicative Independence Participation Communicative Competence Social Networks Development Routines Choice Making Matrices Second Language Learning Prompting Fading System for Augmenting Language SAL Aided Language Stimulation Augmented Input Partner Assisted Scanning PODD Pragmatic Organization Dynamic Displays Message Selection Factors In uencing Selection Types of Messages CExamples of Symbols Sets Literacy AAC Emergent Literacy Key Factors in Learning to Read Balanced Literacy Instruction Using an AAC System as a Tool for Literacy AAC Outcomes Collecting data Analyzing data Reporting data Section Voice Output Communication Aids Technical Non-Technical Communication Systems Single Choice Message Devices Multiple Choice Message Devices Dynamic Display Devices Software Icon Sequencing Devices Text-to-Speech Devices Software Appendices References Resources Appendix A Glossary Appendix B References Appendix C Resources in BC Appendix D Websites CSupporting People who use AAC Strategies Introduction This document describes the SET-BC CAYA process and considerations for students and clients moving through this continuum The professionals who contributed to the writing of this document are employed in three provincial technology programs in British Columbia SET-BC CAYA and the ATSS at GF Strong These programs operate in slightly di ?erent ways to provide AAC services For information on other AAC services in BC refer to the ??AAC Services in BC ? handout in appendix C SET-BC Special Education Technology - British Columbia SET-BC is a provincial government initiative established to assist school districts and Group and independent schools in educating students with physical disabilities visual impairments or autism through the use of technology SET-BC ? s mandate is to lend assistive technologies where required to facilitate students ? access to educational programs and to assist school districts in providing the necessary consultation and training for students and educators in the use of these technologies SET-BC services to school districts include consultation planning and follow- up for school based teams loan and maintenance of assistive technology training provision of resources and information SET-BC consultants are based

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  • Publié le Nov 29, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 254.4kB