Player guide 1 PlayRF USA Player Guide Last updated - - So excited you just can ? t stand it and HAVE to get started RIGHT NOW Here is a quick start guide for you to get going but make sure to check out the other sections of the guide to give you more det
PlayRF USA Player Guide Last updated - - So excited you just can ? t stand it and HAVE to get started RIGHT NOW Here is a quick start guide for you to get going but make sure to check out the other sections of the guide to give you more details on this server including the Points Systems available Account Management Important Vendors and other insider details Quick Start Guide You have created your new PlayRF USA account and are ready to go smash the other races While we admire your enthusiasm there are a few things that you need to tend to ?rst Log into the game and create your new character Once you have created your character and you are standing in your Race ? s HQ you will want to quit out of the game as there are a couple things to do on the website before you get started Log in to the Account Management on the PlayRF USA website go to the ? Lottery ? section and click the ? Event Lottery ? link and register for the monthly lottery it ? s free and you can win GP for winning You will de ?nitely want a VIP Jade which adds increased EXP Drops and Speed from the ? GP Shop ? section but before you can get that you need some GP Let ? s get you some quick free GP Go to the ? Vote GP ? section and perform your votes for the PlayRF USA server You will get GP for each vote site you vote on You can only vote once per site every hours Now that you have GP go to the ? GP Shop ? click on ? VIP Jades ? under the Rental group and purchase the best VIP Jade you can a ?ord as this will help A LOT when leveling It ? s time to login to the game and get leveling While you were logged out you received some free game money and gold You will start in HQ near the Beginner Vendor Click on this vendor and purchase a Beginner JetPack a stack of HQ Teleport Scrolls and a Jade of Freedom which allows you to party with any level The Jades are very cheap so I recommend buying a stack of the Jade of Freedom so you can easily see the di ?erence between your VIP Jade and your Jade of Freedom in your inventory Since you are already level the next step is to head to your Race ? s Hero of Progression or Race Manager to perform your Class Promotions Remember that you have promotions to complete and if you make a mistake or want to change promotions in the future you get free Class Rede ?nes a month which you can perform at the Hero of Progression After you have completed both of your promotions you should be able to equip the Armors and Weapon that you received While
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Apv 29, 2022
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 44kB