Table des matieres articles
Table des matières Contents W John Harker Michèle Houde et Claude Dumas Adel Safty Abdellah Marzouk et Jean Brunelle John A Ross Brou N ? zi et Pauline Desrosiers Articles Framing the Text The Year in British Columbia Ma? trise des schèmes opératoires chez des adolescents avec et sans di ?cultés d ? apprentissage E ?ectiveness and French Immersion A Socio-Political Analysis Perceptions des ma? tres de stage sur les comportements des stagiaires favorisant plus ou moins la participation des élèves dans les cours d ? éducation physique Teacher E ?cacy and the E ?ects of Coaching on Student Achievement Stratégies de plani ?cation et contenu de l ? éducation physique dans des écoles secondaires Débats Discussion Notes Uri Zoller Michael F Kompf Anne L Je ?erson M Rai Kapoor K Hung Chan Herbert L Jensen The Technology Education Interface STES Education for All Volunteers in Schools A Renewal Financing Education and the Retention of Students Academic Achievement and Professional Examination Performance CRecensions Book Reviews Nicole van Grunderbeeck Ken Osborne Bernard Lefebvre Chad Ga ?eld Robert Carney June Sturrock Robert J Graham Laurie Walker Rolland Viau Dan G Bachor Ann Manicom J L K Latshaw La comprehension en lecture par Jocelyne Giasson Alex Lord ? s British Columbia Recollections of a Rural School Inspector ?? edited by John Calam Le musée et l ? école par Michel Allard et Suzanne Boucher Canadian Education Historical Themes and Contemporary Issues by E Brian Titley Inventing Secondary Education The Rise of the High School in NineteenthCentury Ontario by R D Gidney W P J Millar The Educational Legacy of Romanticism edited by John Willinsky Foundations of Literacy Policy in Canada edited by S P Norris L M Phillips Literacy and Orality edited by David R Olson Nancy Torrance Science cognitive et formation par Robert Brien Educational Psychology Canadian Perspectives edited by Robert H Short Leonard L Stewin Stewart J H McCann Critical Psychology and Pedagogy Interpretation of the Personal World by Edmund Sullivan Crocus Hill Notebook by Garry Jones Errata At CJE RCE volume number pages iii and Jane Gaskell Arlene Tigar McLaren and Myra Novogrodsky are not editors but authors of Claiming an Education Feminism and Canadian Schools CFraming the Text The Year in British Columbia W John Harker university of victoria This paper presents an analysis of the text intertext and subtext of the Year document a comprehensive statement of policies and objectives for education in British Columbia issued by the Ministry of Education in Examination of the relationships between the text and intertext of the Year reveals a subtext that fundamentally contradicts the stated objectives of the document itself Rather than encouraging the development of students ? individuality as the text of the Year document frequently advocates its subtext reveals an educational agenda that would maintain social stability and economic prosperity at the expense of students ? individuality The impossibility of a text imposing such control is discussed Cet article présente une analyse du texte de l ? ??intertexte ?
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- Publié le Fev 06, 2021
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 524.1kB