Rattan of cambodia guide C CContents Page Foreword Acknowledgement - Introduction - How to use this book - Rattan in Cambodia - Use - Rattan ecology and habitat - Rattan characters Habit Stem can Leaf Sheath Leave and lea et Climbing organ In orescence Fl

C CContents Page Foreword Acknowledgement - Introduction - How to use this book - Rattan in Cambodia - Use - Rattan ecology and habitat - Rattan characters Habit Stem can Leaf Sheath Leave and lea et Climbing organ In orescence Flower Fruit - Specimen collection Collection method Field record Maintenance and drying - Local names - Key Identi ?cation to rattan genera Calamus L Daemonorops Bl Korthalsia Bl Myrialepis Becc Plectocomia Mart ex Bl Plectocomiopsis Becc Table Species list of Cambodia Rattan and a summary of abundance and distribution Glossary Reference List of rattan species Specimen references CFOREWORD Rattan counts as one of the most important non-timber forest products that contribute to livelihoods as source of incomes and food and also to national economy with handicraft and furniture industry In Cambodia species have been recorded so far and most of them are daily used by local communities and supplying the rattan industry Meanwhile with rattan resources decreasing due to over-harvesting and loss of forest ecosystem there is an urgent need to stop this trend and ?nd ways to conserve this biodiversity that play an important economic role for the country This manual is one step towards sustainable rattan management as it allows to show display the diversity of rattan and its contribution This is the ?rst rattan taxonomic study carried out in Cambodia and should serve as a milestone I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mr Khou Eang Hourt senior botanist working with WWF who spend the last years working on this manual I also would like to thanks to Dr Tom Evans Technical Advisor Natural Resources Management and Dr Andrew Henderson Curator Institute of Systematic Botany The New York Botanical Garden for their technical guidance and support to Mr Hourt Finally I would like to encourage all readers of this manual to actively contribute to its improvement and de ?nement and to share with others who can make use of the information it contains Mr Teak Seng Country Director CAcknowledgment Technical Contributions This document was written by Mr Khou Eang Hourt working with Ministry of Environment with additional support and technical inputs from Dr Tom Evans Technical Advisor Natural Resources Management and Dr Andrew Henderson Curator Institute of Systematic Botany The New York Botanical Garden This manual is mainly based on the materials deposited at WWF Cambodia together with records found in the literature and provides knowledge of genera and species diversity that occurs in Cambodia The number of Cambodian rattan species is small compare to the total number of recorded species species in genera out of the species in genera identi ?ed worldwide therefore the species outlined in this manual cannot cover all characteristics of genera In this context the description of each genus is partly copied from 'A Manual of the Rattans of the Malay Peninsular' Drans ?eld J Furthermore many materials lack in orescences and fruits Hence some information on owers and fruits is copied from the Rattans of Lao PDR Flore Général

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  • Publié le Jui 13, 2022
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 174.5kB