Relay selection guide 1 www siemens com protection Selection Guide for SIPROTEC and Reyrolle Edition Answers for infrastructure and cities COverview of Siemens Protection Catalogs SIPROTEC Compact Catalog Protection Selection Guide SIPROTEC System catalog

www siemens com protection Selection Guide for SIPROTEC and Reyrolle Edition Answers for infrastructure and cities COverview of Siemens Protection Catalogs SIPROTEC Compact Catalog Protection Selection Guide SIPROTEC System catalog - Device catalogs RPSDFW ' ' ' XWRULDO XWRULDO H UROOH ' ' SIPROTEC Catalog SIPROTEC easy - SIPROTEC series - Communication - Accessories Reyrolle Catalog C C YDLODEOH RQO LQ HQJOLVK Q SUHSDUDWLRQ Overview of Siemens protection catalogs Protection selection guide The selection guide o ?ers an overview of the device series of the Siemens protection devices and a device selection table SIPROTEC Compact catalog The SIPROTEC Compact catalog describes the features of the SIPROTEC Compact series and presents the available devices and their application possibilities SIPROTEC catalogs The system catalog describes the features of the SIPROTEC system The SIPROTEC device catalogs describe devicespeci ?c features such as scope of functions hardware and application SIPROTEC SIPROTEC series SIPROTEC easy communication and accessories This catalog describes the features of the device series SIPROTEC SIPROTEC series and SIPROTEC easy as well as their devices In further chapters the accessories of the complete SIPRROTEC family for communication auxiliary relays and test equipment are described Reyrolle catalog This catalog gives an overview of the reyrolle devices Selection Guide for SIPROTEC and Reyrolle Edition CSelection Guide for SIPROTEC and Reyrolle Edition www siemens com protection Contents Protection Devices Series SIPROTEC and Reyrolle Relay Families SIPROTEC SIPROTEC Compact SIPROTEC SIPROTEC easy and SIPROTEC Compact series Reyrolle Overview Relay Selection Table Part ? ? Functions Part Functions continued Further Functions Hardware Feature Part Hardware Feature continued Communication Legal Notice to to to The products and systems described in this catalog are manufactured and sold according to a certi ?ed management system acc to ISO ISO and BS OHSAS Selection Guide for SIPROTEC and Reyrolle Edition CProtection Devices SIPROTEC and Reyrolle Relay Families Solutions for today's and future power supply systems ?? for more than years With the two brands SIPROTEC and REYROLLE Siemens is the world market leader in digital protection technology Pro ?t from the experience out of an installed base of more than million devices and with IEC SIPROTEC has established itself on the energy market for decades as a powerful and complete system family of numerical protection relays and bay controllers from Siemens SIPROTEC protection relays from Siemens can be consistently used throughout all applications in medium and high voltage With SIPROTEC operators have their systems ?rmly and safely under control and have the basis to implement cost-ef ?cient solutions for all duties in modern intelligent and ??smart ? grids Users can combine the units of the di ?erent SIPROTEC device series at will for solving manifold duties ?? because SIPROTEC stands for continuity openness and future-proof design Fig Siemens protection family As the innovation driver and trendsetter in the ?eld of protection systems for years Siemens helps system operators to design their grids in an intelligent ecological reliable and ef ?cient way and to operate them economically As a pioneer Siemens has

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  • Publié le Dec 05, 2021
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  • Taille du fichier 243.8kB