Signaling and qos control in resilient cognitive radio networks notere cfip
See discussions stats and author pro ?les for this publication at https www researchgate net publication Signaling and QoS control in resilient cognitive radio networks Conference Paper July DOI NOTERE CITATION authors including Dramane Ouattara Université Bordeaux PUBLICATIONS CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Francine Krief Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique PUBLICATIONS CITATIONS SEE PROFILE READS Mohamed Aymen Chalouf Université de Rennes PUBLICATIONS CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects Mobilité des utilisateurs dans les réseaux IP View project EWER project View project All content following this page was uploaded by Dramane Ouattara on October The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded ?le CSignaling and QoS control in resilient Cognitive Radio Networks Dramane Ouattara Univ Bordeaux LaBRI - Talence France dramane ouattara labri fr Mohamed Aymen Chalouf Univ Rennes IRISA - Lannion France mohamed-aymen chalouf irisa fr Martin Peres Univ Bordeaux LaBRI - Talence France martin peres labri fr Francine Krief Univ Bordeaux IPB LaBRI - Talence France francine krief labri fr Abstract ?? Cognitive radio networks aim to allow nodes to be aware of their radio environment Therefore cognitive radio equipment can select the best frequency band and modulation to communicate with any surrounding node This enables e ?cient spectrum sharing and the transmission parameters optimization according to the needed quality of service In this article we ?rstly present a physical layer signaling protocol that allows cognitive radio nodes to discover their neighbors in a transparent manner by sharing their frequency hopping sequences This protocol allows discovering a new node in less than a second and at low cost under realistic scenarios using a Software De ?ned Radio SDR Then we present a MAC layer signaling protocol which is based on an improved of the RTS CTS handshake mechanism de ?ned in the IEEE standard This signaling mechanism enables the cognitive radio nodes to negotiate spectrum allocation and to select the best modulation for a transmission We ?nally associate to this protocol a transmission parameters which have an impact on QoS control function Our proposal therefore improves wireless nodes capabilities in order to de ?ne a resilient network capable of providing and maintaining a certain level of QoS Keywords ??Cognitive Radio networks Signaling protocol QoS MPC I INTRODUCTION Dans les réseaux radio cognitive le partage des bandes de fréquence tout en garantissant un niveau de performances acceptable constitue l'opération la plus complexe après le sondage du spectre En e ?et l'instabilité dans l'occupation des canaux introduite par le caractère opportuniste de ces réseaux favorise des délais liés au processus de découverte nécessaire entre les n ?uds pour communiquer Aussi le principe de fonctionnement de la radio cognitive impose des actions de resynchronisation récurrentes La signalisation dans les réseaux radio cognitive est alors confrontée à des contraintes supplémentaires telles que la disponibilité des canaux et celle des n ?uds- pairs sur lesdites fréquences pour échanger les informations de coordination Dans cet article nous présentons un protocole de signalisation de niveau PHY
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- Publié le Nov 19, 2022
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 87.3kB