Strategic guide MANAGING IntellectualProperty The Guide A Guide to Strategic Decision- Making in Universities In Higher Education CContents Why is IP management important The bene ?ts The need for strategic management Strategic checklist Financial expecta

MANAGING IntellectualProperty The Guide A Guide to Strategic Decision- Making in Universities In Higher Education CContents Why is IP management important The bene ?ts The need for strategic management Strategic checklist Financial expectations and budget management Risk and returns Handling uncertainty over expected costs and returns What are realistic expectations Setting Budgets Ownership of IP and negotiations with sponsors Ownership and control Negotiating with research sponsors Incentives To whom should incentives apply How should incentives be applied Relationship to other university policies IP management functions The responsibilities of the IP management o ?ce The IP o ?ce location and structure The relationship between the IP o ?ce and other departments and research groups Should noti ?cation of inventions be compulsory Some complexities in IP management Implementation working with others Collaboration between universities to manage IP Working with other external organisations Monitoring and Evaluation The monitoring and evaluation framework Interpreting performance indicators and the impact of uncertainty of time horizons Using input measures and ratios Measures of internal process performance in IP management Selecting suitable performance indicators Annex A Provenance of the Guide i Annex B Glossary iv Annex C AUTM performance measures v Intellectual Property C Why is IP management important Why is IP management important The bene ?ts E ?ective knowledge transfer Using others ? IP Income Sta ? recruitment and retention Other bene ?ts The need for strategic management IP issues are pervasive IP management and other means of knowledge transfer Key policy overlaps Preservation of missions Con icts of interest Strategic checklist In Higher Education C Why is IP management important What is IP Intellectual Property often known as IP allows people to own their creativity and innovation in the same way that they can own physical property The owner of IP can control and be rewarded for its use and this encourages further innovation and creativity to the bene ?t of us all In some cases IP gives rise to protection for ideas but in other areas there will have to be more elaboration of an idea before protection can arise It will often not be possible to protect IP and gain IP rights or IPRs unless they have been applied for and granted but some IP protection such as copyright arises automatically without any registration as soon as there is a record in some form of what has been created The four main types of IP are ? patents for inventions - new and improved products and processes that are capable of industrial application ? trade marks for brand identity - of goods and services allowing distinctions to be made between di ?erent traders ? designs for product appearance - of the whole or a part of a product resulting from the features of the lines contours colours shape texture and or materials of the product itself and or its ornamentation ? copyright for material - literary and artistic material music ?lms sound recordings and broadcasts including software and multimedia However IP is much broader

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  • Publié le Jui 20, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 296.8kB