Sustainable procurement guide
Sustainable Procurement Guide Report prepared by ECO -Buy Limited Level Bourke Street Melbourne VIC www ecobuy org au ? Commonwealth of Australia This work is copyright You may download display print and reproduce this material in unaltered form only retaining this notice for your personal non-commercial use or use within your organisation Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act all other rights are reserved Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to Department of Sustainability Environment Water Population and Communities Public A ?airs GPO Box Canberra ACT or email public a ?airs environment gov au Sustainable Procurement Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS List of ?gures List of tables PART KEY CONCEPTS Introduction What is sustainable procurement Principles for procuring sustainably Key concepts in sustainable procurement Bene ?ts of sustainable procurement Policy context for the Australian Government National Waste Policy Australian Government ?nancial management framework Options for including sustainability in procurement decisions Agency policies Sustainability issues in purchasing decisions Additional reference and guidance material PART GUIDE TO SUSTAINABLE PROCUREMENT Including sustainability in procurement Getting started Putting it into practice Checklist Additional reference and guidance material Including sustainability in value-for-money assessment Getting started Putting it into practice Additional reference and guidance material Greenwash How does greenwash a ?ect procurement How do I avoid being greenwashed What are ecolabels Additional reference and guidance material Assessing supplier sustainability performance Why should my supplier ? s sustainability performance be assessed Getting started Putting it into practice Going further Additional reference and guidance material Sustainable procurement resources Case study ?? Department of Defence Sustainable procurement of ICT Additional reference and guidance material Contact Sustainable Procurement Guide LIST OF FIGURES Figure Examples of key considerations in sustainable procurement decisions Figure The basic considerations when undertaking whole-of-life costing Figure Australian Government ?nancial management framework relating to procurement Figure Sustainable procurement at each stage of the procurement process Figure Relationship of waste minimisation with the procurement hierarchy Figure Example of product life-cycle impacts and risks hot water system Figure Illustration of typical whole-of-life costing elements over time Figure Costs associated with the purchase of two di ?erent hot water systems Figure Assessment spreadsheet layout sample Figure Examples of ecolabels LIST OF TABLES Table Comprehensive list of items for consideration in a whole-of-life costing model Table Example of a whole-of-life costing assessment hot water system Table How to recognise and avoid greenwash Table Sample supplier questionnaire PART KEY CONCEPTS Introduction Sustainable procurement decisions consider the environmental and social impacts both positive and negative from products and services alongside the cost Considering the environmental and social impacts from procurement aligns with Australian Government obligations to spend public money e ?ciently e ?ectively economically and ethically As a large procurer the Australian Government spent over billion in ?? on contracted goods and services the Australian Government can have a leading role as a model purchaser to encourage good practices by its suppliers by using its purchasing power to achieve environmental and social bene ?ts and at the
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- Publié le Mai 16, 2021
- Catégorie Management
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 167.5kB