Technical notice coeur bolt steel stainless hcr 1

TECHNICAL NOTICE C ?UR BOLT G D CTECHNICAL NOTICE C ?UR BOLT G D CEN These instructions explain how to correctly use your equipment Only certain techniques and uses are described The warning symbols inform you of some potential dangers related to the use of your equipment but it is impossible to describe them all Check Petzl com for updates and additional information You are responsible for heeding each warning and using your equipment correctly Any misuse of this equipment will create additional dangers Contact Petzl if you have any doubts or di ?culty understanding these instructions Field of application COEUR BOLT Anchor device for rock EN for protection against falls from height For single-person use only COEUR bolt hanger Type A anchor device EN type A for protection against falls from height For single-person use only Anchor device for rock EN for protection against falls from height when it is used with a BOLT bolt BOLT bolt Expansion bolt This product must not be pushed beyond its limits nor be used for any purpose other than that for which it is designed Do not use this equipment as a means of hoisting Responsibility WARNING Activities involving the use of this equipment are inherently dangerous You are responsible for your own actions decisions and safety Before using this equipment you must - Read and understand all Instructions for Use - Get speci ?c training in its proper use - Become acquainted with its capabilities and limitations - Understand and accept the risks involved Failure to heed any of these warnings may result in severe injury or death This product must only be used by competent and responsible persons or those placed under the direct and visual control of a competent and responsible person You are responsible for your actions your decisions and your safety and you assume the consequences of same If you are not able or not in a position to assume this responsibility or if you do not fully understand the Instructions for Use do not use this equipment Principal materials COEUR STEEL steel S MC COEUR STAINLESS stainless steel L COEUR HCR high corrosion resistant steel L Inspection points to verify Your safety depends upon the integrity of your equipment Petzl recommends a detailed inspection by a competent person at least once every months depending on current regulations in your country and your conditions of usage WARNING your intensity of use may cause you to inspect your equipment more frequently Follow the procedures described at Petzl com Record the results on your equipment inspection form type model manufacturer contact info serial number or individual number dates manufacture purchase ?rst use next periodic inspection problems comments inspector ? s name and signature It is recommended to write the next inspection date on the product Before each use Check the condition of the anchor surface degradation wear corrosion deformation cracks During use It is important to regularly monitor the condition of the product and its connections to the other

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  • Publié le Fev 09, 2021
  • Catégorie Management
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 577.6kB