Travel guide 2 T G A R RAVEL UIDE DMINISTRATIVE ules HAJJ h Departure from Karachi Make sure that you have taken the following documents items ? Passport s ? Air Ticket s ? Medical Certi ?cate s from Haji Camp ? Medicine Kit sealed by Haji Camp ? Luggage

T G A R RAVEL UIDE DMINISTRATIVE ules HAJJ h Departure from Karachi Make sure that you have taken the following documents items ? Passport s ? Air Ticket s ? Medical Certi ?cate s from Haji Camp ? Medicine Kit sealed by Haji Camp ? Luggage ? Mobile Phone You are requested to reach Jinnah Terminal at least four hours before ight time along with above mentioned documents items After custom clearance issuing of boarding card s and immigration please wait for the announcement of your ight in the Waiting Lounge On reaching Jeddah Hajj Terminal you are to wait for custom clearance entry and getting back your luggage It may take hours On coming out of the airport the representative of Maktab United Agent O ?cers will paste Bus tokens on your passports and will take over your heavy luggage towards the area speci ?ed for Pakistani Hajjies which will be probably in front of Gate No and guide you to the reception counter Here the representative of Hajj Ministry will keep your passport s with him He will detach the required pages Be sure that the laminated detached card given to you is with you for your identity The representative of Hajj Ministry will hand over your passport s to the representative of the Maktab No who will be responsible to take you to Makkah as per your con ?rmed schedule You will reach the waiting area occupied for Pakistan where you receive your luggage After that you will be fully responsible for your luggage You are then requested to wait till the arrival of your Bus In the waiting Area you can enjoy with Fast Food Counter Bathroom Telephone Booth and Shopping Area where every necessary goods are available While getting in the Bus make sure that your luggage has already been loaded in that Bus There will be or seat buses Keep alive your patience while waiting for your turn to get in the Bus As soon as the Bus is fully occupied it will leave for Makkah The Bus will take you from Jeddah to Makkah It will take three to eight hours Patience is greatly requested during the journey You will reach Maktab No at Makkah After necessary procedure the bus will take you to the Hotel Building as per your booking schedule Keep your luggage with you while getting out of the bus You will be led to your room to have rest after sacred but tiresome journey On reaching your room please write down your room number oor number and hotel name and its phone number All those who Care accompanied with their families should go to decide the meeting spot outside Haram where they can meet again Better to let them enter Haram with the group twice or thrice and make them aware of routes from Haram to Hotel and back st Day Zil ? Hijja After Fajir Prayer be ready to leave for Mina and get in the bus

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  • Publié le Aoû 10, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 35.2kB