Developer study guide success Trailhead Help Support I'm here to help https trailhead salesforce com help article Salesforce-Certi ?ed-Marketing- Cloud-Developer-Exam-Guide C Trailhead Help Support I'm here to help Close Help Salesforce Certi ?ed Marketin

success Trailhead Help Support I'm here to help https trailhead salesforce com help article Salesforce-Certi ?ed-Marketing- Cloud-Developer-Exam-Guide C Trailhead Help Support I'm here to help Close Help Salesforce Certi ?ed Marketing Cloud Developer Exam Guide Salesforce Certi ?ed Marketing Cloud Developer Exam Guide Winter ' Release https trailhead salesforce com help article Salesforce-Certi ?ed-Marketing- Cloud-Developer-Exam-Guide C Trailhead Help Support Congratulations on taking the next step to prepare for your Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer credential This exam guide has the I'm here to help information you need to help you study and prepare for your exam Let ? s get started Contents About the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer Credential Audience Description Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer Purpose of this Exam Guide About the Exam Recommended Training and References Exam Outline Maintaining Your Certi ?cation About the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer Credential The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer program is designed for developers who have hands-on experience developing for Marketing Cloud The audience has proven experience with the administration and con ?guration of the Marketing Cloud Email application as demonstrated https trailhead salesforce com help article Salesforce-Certi ?ed-Marketing- Cloud-Developer-Exam-Guide C Trailhead Help Support through successful completion of the Salesforce Certi ?ed Marketing Cloud Email Specialist exam This credential is targeted toward the Marketing Cloud Developer who has experience developing dynamic personalized marketing assets such as emails landing pages and forms leveraging HTML CSS and AMPscript The Salesforce Certi ?ed Marketing Cloud Developer is also pro ?cient in SQL and has experience in using Marketing Cloud APIs Audience Description Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer has experience con ?guring and customizing data for the Marketing Cloud The developer is knowledgeable in subscriber management across channels and has the ability to troubleshoot various programmatic languages that guide the design of both tactical and strategic email campaigns The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer has experience as a full-stack developer for Marketing Cloud creating personalized dynamic messages landing pages makes use of Marketing Cloud scripting languages and is experienced with data con ?guration manipulations and advance segmentation as well as reporting and analytics The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer generally has at least a year of experience developing for Marketing Cloud and associated tools The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer candidate has the experience skills knowledge and ability to Con ?gure and set-up data models data extensions shared data extensions Contact model Con ?gure data import Work with customers and platform data SQL views Send Log Write basic SQL including join statements Create dynamic personalized marketing assets using various scripting languages Build Marketing Cloud web experience data forms custom preference pages Explain subscription management https trailhead salesforce com help article Salesforce-Certi ?ed-Marketing- Cloud-Developer-Exam-Guide C Trailhead Help Support Work through and resolve scenarios using REST and SOAP API Invest time in studying the resources listed in this Exam Guide and the additional required study materials provided by Salesforce A candidate for this exam is not expected to know MobilePush SDK Journey Builder SDK custom components and how to con

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  • Publié le Oct 26, 2022
  • Catégorie Marketing
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 37kB