Vpnsetup guide for 9600 series iptelephones

VPN Setup Guide for Series IP Telephones Release and - Issue January C ? Avaya Inc All Rights Reserved Notice While reasonable e ?orts have been made to ensure that the information in this document is complete and accurate at the time of printing Avaya assumes no liability for any errors Avaya reserves the right to make changes and corrections to the information in this document without the obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes Note Using a cell mobile or GSM phone or a two-way radio in close proximity to an Avaya IP telephone might cause interference Documentation disclaimer ??Documentation ? means information published by Avaya in varying mediums which may include product information operating instructions and performance speci ?cations that Avaya generally makes available to users of its products Documentation does not include marketing materials Avaya shall not be responsible for any modi ?cations additions or deletions to the original published version of documentation unless such modi ?cations additions or deletions were performed by Avaya End User agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Avaya Avaya's agents servants and employees against all claims lawsuits demands and judgments arising out of or in connection with subsequent modi ?cations additions or deletions to this documentation to the extent made by End User Link disclaimer Avaya is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any linked websites referenced within this site or documentation provided by Avaya Avaya is not responsible for the accuracy of any information statement or content provided on these sites and does not necessarily endorse the products services or information described or o ?ered within them Avaya does not guarantee that these links will work all the time and has no control over the availability of the linked pages Warranty Avaya provides a limited warranty on its hardware and Software ??Product s ? Refer to your sales agreement to establish the terms of the limited warranty In addition Avaya ? s standard warranty language as well as information regarding support for this Product while under warranty is available to Avaya customers and other parties through the Avaya Support website http support avaya com Please note that if you acquired the Product s from an authorized Avaya reseller outside of the United States and Canada the warranty is provided to you by said Avaya reseller and not by Avaya ??Software ? means computer programs in object code provided by Avaya or an Avaya Channel Partner whether as stand-alone products or pre- installed on hardware products and any upgrades updates bug ?xes or modi ?ed versions Licenses THE SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS AVAILABLE ON THE AVAYA WEBSITE HTTP SUPPORT AVAYA COM LICENSEINFO ARE APPLICABLE TO ANYONE WHO DOWNLOADS USES AND OR INSTALLS AVAYA SOFTWARE PURCHASED FROM AVAYA INC ANY AVAYA AFFILIATE OR AN AUTHORIZED AVAYA RESELLER AS APPLICABLE UNDER A COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT WITH AVAYA OR AN AUTHORIZED AVAYA RESELLER UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED TO BY AVAYA IN WRITING AVAYA DOES NOT EXTEND THIS LICENSE IF THE SOFTWARE WAS OBTAINED

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  • Publié le Dec 21, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 195.3kB