A bibliography of works about durkheim

A Bibliography of Works about Durkheim In preparing this bibliography as with the bibliography of works by Durkheim himself I have begun with the Peregrine edition of Steven Lukes'Durkheim His Life and Work A Historical and Critical Study I have also bene ?ted greatly from the hard work of dozens of Durkheim scholars and particularly those associated with the Société d'études durkheimiennes and the British Centre for Durkheimian Studies Needless to say the bibliography is not comprehensive or complete In fact it could never be so But I hope that it will become increasingly useful as it is updated through your e ?orts and mine To this end I hope that you will send me additional references as well as more complete or corrective information for references already listed below E-mail dbarberis uchicago edu Abrahamson M Sudden Wealth Grati ?cation and Attainment Durkheim's Anomie of A uence Reconsidered American Sociological Review - Acevedo G A Turning Anomie on its Head Fatalism as Durkheim's Concealed and Multidimensional Alienation Theory Sociological Theory Adams G P The Interpretation of Religion in Royce and Durkheim Philosophical Review - Adorno T W Introduction to Durkheim In Soziologie und Philosophie Frankfurt Aimard G Durkheim et la science economique Paris Al-Ahnaf M Sur quelques durkheimiens arabes Peuples Méditerranéens Mediterranean Peoples - - Alberoni F Ri essioni su Durkheim individuo e società Studi di sociologia - CAlexander J C Theoretical Logic in Sociology Volume The Antinomies of Classical Thought Marx and Durkheim Berkeley and Los Angeles University of California Press Alexander J C Social- Structural Analysis Some notes on its History and Prospects The Sociological Quarterly - Alexander J C Culture and Political Crisis 'Watergate' and Durkheimian Sociology In J C Alexander ed Durkheimian Sociology Cultural Studies Cambridge Cambridge University Press - Alexander J C ed Durkheimian Sociology Cultural Studies Cambridge England Cambridge University Press Alexander J C Structure and Meaning Relinking Classical Sociology New York Columbia University Press Alexander J C The Sacred and Profane Information Machine Discourse about the Computer as Ideology Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions - Alexander J C Durkheim's Religious Revival American Journal of Sociology - Alexander J C The Inner Development of Durkheim's Sociological Theory from Early Writings to Maturity in Alexander and Smith dir The Cambridge Companion to Durkheim Cambridge Cambridge University Press Allardt E Émile Durkheim sein Beitrag zur politischen Soziologie K? lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie Allcock J Émile Durkheim's Encounter with Pragmatism Journal of the History of Sociology - Allen N J Primitive Classi ?cation the Argument and its Validity In W S F Pickering and H Martins ed Debating Durkheim London and New York Routledge - Allport F H The Group Mind Fallacy in Relation to Social Science Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology - Alpert H France's First University Course in Sociology American Sociological Review - CAlpert H Durkheim's Functional Theory of Ritual Sociology and Social Research - Alpert H Émile Durkheim and His Sociology New York Alpert H Émile Durkheim and Sociologismic Psychology American Journal

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