Eapp las new sept 11 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION XI CABANTIAN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Km Cabantian Buhangin Davao City Learning Competency Determine the speci ?c structure of an academic text Learning Objectives Identify the feat

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION XI CABANTIAN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Km Cabantian Buhangin Davao City Learning Competency Determine the speci ?c structure of an academic text Learning Objectives Identify the features of academic text Concept Notes Academic Texts Articles Conference papers Reviews Description Published in scholarly journals this type of academic text o ?ers results of research and development that can be either impact the academic community or provide relevance to nation- building These are papers presented in scholastic conferences and may be revised as articles for possible publication in scholarly journals These provide evaluation or reviews of works published in scholarly journals Theses Dissertations These are personal researches written by a candidate for a college or university degree Before you read an academic text ask yourself the following questions Why am I reading this text What information or pieces of information do I need What do I want to learn Below are some general purposes for reading an academic text To better understand an existing idea To get ideas that can support a particular writing assignment To gain more information To identify gaps in existing studies To connect new ideas to existing ones Academic Text are typically formal They have a clearly structured introduction body and conclusion They also include information from a credible sources which are in turn properly cited They also include a list of references used in developing the academic paper Academic texts include concepts and theories that are related to the speci ?c discipline they explore They usually exhibit all the properties of a well- written text i e organization unity and cohesion as well as strict adherence to rules of language use and mechanics In general authors observe the following when writing academic texts They state critical questions and issues They provide facts and evidence from credible sources They use precise and accurate words while avoiding jargon and colloquial expressions They take an objective point- of view and avoid being personal and subjective They list references They use hedging or cautious language to tone down their claims Questions Problems Exercises Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false Academic reading requires concentration and comprehension Academic texts are completely di ?erent from non- academic texts in terms of structure content and style Authors of academic texts usually present facts to support their main argument Completing academic readings appears to be a challenge in which students fail Critical reading strategies lead the readers to a full understanding of the text Essentially the languages of academic texts is precise and accurate One has to determine his her purpose of reading Reading strategies di ?er from one person to another Successful readers of academic texts generally integrate valuable information or ideas from one source to another Through writing annotations readers are guided on important ideas presented in the text CRepublic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION XI CABANTIAN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Km Cabantian Buhangin Davao City Learning Competency Determine

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