Economics power guide EDITION ECONOMICS Post-Soviet Communist Recovery ECONOMICS YEARS DOING OUR BEST SO YOU CAN DO YOURS POWER GUIDE EDITOR Christina Minich ALPACA-IN-CHIEF Daniel Berdichevsky the World Scholar ? s Cup CECONOMICS POWER GUIDE AUTHOR ? S W

EDITION ECONOMICS Post-Soviet Communist Recovery ECONOMICS YEARS DOING OUR BEST SO YOU CAN DO YOURS POWER GUIDE EDITOR Christina Minich ALPACA-IN-CHIEF Daniel Berdichevsky the World Scholar ? s Cup CECONOMICS POWER GUIDE AUTHOR ? S WELCOME CURRICULUM OVERVIEW FUNDAMENTAL ECONOMIC CONCEPTS MICROECONOMICS MACROECONOMICS COMMUNIST ECONOMIC SYSTEMS REFORM UNDER MIKHAIL GORBACHEV REFORM UNDER BORIS YELTSIN VLADIMIR PUTIN DMITRI MEDVEDEV SECTION I - III SUMMARIES SECTION IV SUMMARY PRACTICE TEST ANALYSIS ABOUT THE AUTHOR BY CATHERINE TRAN UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AUSTIN SEVEN LAKES HIGH SCHOOL EDITED BY ROBB DOOLING ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY OMAHA BURKE HIGH SCHOOL DEDICATED TO MR IRISH MR MARZEN AND THE SEVEN LAKES ACDEC TEAM ? DEMIDEC DemiDec The World Scholar ? s Cup Power Guide and Cram Kit are registered trademarks of the DemiDec Corporation Academic Decathlon and USAD are registered trademarks of the United States Academic Decathlon Association CEconomics Power Guide AUTHOR ? S WELCOME You hold the Economics Power Guide in your hands This may look like a pile of paper with some words and numbers on it but this pile of paper came into your hands through hundreds of individual decisions Every step of the way someone performed a cost-bene ?t analysis and with stars in their eyes said this is worth it And you my starry-eyed friend will too I promise you So love it Cherish it My name is Catherine Tran but you can call me Cat I joined the Academic Decathlon at Seven Lakes High School in search of a challenge and I found a surplus of challenge in the Economics event Mastering Economics requires the ability to harmonize concepts and facts If you study right everything should click together and just make sense The Power Guide helps you achieve this goal by organizing all these concepts and facts in a logical way Critical words names numbers and other testable terms are bolded throughout the guide You can ?nd de ?nitions for these terms in the Power Lists at the end of the guide broken up into understandable and manageable sub-lists In addition Power Tables synthesize related information for e ?cient studying sans page ipping Here I will integrate all bolded Russian reforms into a table and all bolded events and years into a timeline See that little number one in the previous paragraph Prepare to see many more of these oating little numbers This guide includes three kinds of footnotes First enrichment footnotes such as the ?rst footnote provide information that will not be tested but help increase your understanding of the material Second Demi footnotes include my signed comments on the material They serve as presumed comic relief and desperate pleas for attention You will also see some signed comments from last year ? s authors and past and present beta testers Last I use unsigned miscellaneous footnotes for instructional comments about the curriculum and guide A high score in economics demands commitment Fortunately this guide will supply you with a lot to commit yourself to learning To minimize

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