Guide 2023 05 29T144258 057
Instructor ? s Guide April A reform-oriented introductory physics textbook What ? s distinctive about this book is that it is reform-oriented it emphasizes depth over breadth it is designed to support active learning and it never introduces a new concept with an unmotivated equation While the reform movement has produced excellent physics textbooks for gen ed students and students majoring in engineering or the physical sciences no such book has been available for the type of course typically taken by life science students a one-year algebra based course or a one-year course with calculus as a corequisite This book is meant to ?ll that need Basic survival guide Here ? s the most vital information you need to know if you ? re using the book for the ?rst time I ? m committed to making new editions of the books as backward-compatible as possible with old editions rather than introducing incompatibilities in order to kill o ? the used book market To take advantage of this always refer to chapter and section numbers in your syllabus not page numbers New homework problems will normally be added at the end so you can safely refer to homework problems by chapter and problem number If you have two editions in the same classroom make sure you ? re working from the older edition yourself so that you won ? t be referring to newer discussion questions or homework problems that some of your students don ? t have Don ? t be tempted to skip chapter of book since it introduces the students to modes of reasoning involving ratios and proportionalities If you skip this chapter they will complain that the homework in the later chapters is impossible To use the discussion questions successfully you ? ll need to give reading quizzes and explain to the students the need to read the book before coming to class rather than using the book as a reference which is what most students are used to doing in science classes CResources available with this book A complete and up-to-date list of support materials is available at http www lightandmatter com area guide html If you ? re like me you ? re a little cynical about the support materials provided by textbook publishers ?? most of them are ashy but short on substance You ? ll have to judge my materials for yourself but I hope you ? ll check out the answer checker called Spotter if only so that you ? ll know your students are using it Contents Newtonian Physics Introduction and Review Scaling and Order-of-Magnitude Estimates Motion in One Dimension Velocity and Relative Motion Acceleration and Free Fall Force and Motion Analysis of Forces Motion in Three Dimensions Newton ? s Laws in Three Dimensions Vectors Vectors and Motion Circular Motion Gravity Conservation Laws Conservation of Energy Simplifying the Energy Zoo Work The Transfer of Mechanical Energy Conservation of Momentum Conservation of Angular Momentum Vibrations and Waves Vibrations Resonance Free
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Oct 17, 2022
- Catégorie Philosophy / Philo...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 75.6kB