Hintikka on kant x27 s mathematical method

? De Boeck Supérieur Téléchargé le sur www cairn info IP ? De Boeck Supérieur Téléchargé le sur www cairn info IP HINTIKKA ON KANT'S MATHEMATICAL METHOD Emily Carson De Boeck Supérieur Revue internationale de philosophie ? n pages à ISSN - ISBN DOI rip Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https www cairn info revue-internationale-de-philosophie- - - page- htm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Distribution électronique Cairn info pour De Boeck Supérieur ? De Boeck Supérieur Tous droits réservés pour tous pays La reproduction ou représentation de cet article notamment par photocopie n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou le cas échéant des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement Toute autre reproduction ou représentation en tout ou partie sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit Powered by TCPDF www tcpdf org CHintikka on Kant ? s mathematical method CARSON With a series of important papers in the s Jaakko Hintikka initiated a surge of interest in Kant ? s philosophy of mathematics developing an interpretation which has in some ways de ?ned the ?eld Because I can ? t do justice to all of the details of Hintikka ? s view here I propose to stand back and consider the broader context In a later paper revisiting the topic Hintikka complained that subsequent discussions of his interpretation of Kant paid no attention to ??the overall picture of Kant ? s thinking about mathematics in its historical setting or to my view of the role of Kant ? s theory of space time and mathematics including the whole of his transcendental aesthetics within the structure of his philosophical system ? In the intervening years Kant scholars have taken up these two tasks so it seems worthwhile to consider the implications of this work for Hintikka ? s interpretation of Kant ? s theory of mathematics The key question at issue is the role of intuition in Kant ? s philosophy of mathematics On the logical approach developed by Hintikka the primary role of intuition is formal or inferential By following Hintikka ? s suggestion and reconsidering the historical setting ?? both philosophical and mathematical ?? and the structure of Kant ? s philosophical system I want to suggest that we can make a case for a richer role for intuition in Kant ? s philosophy of mathematics than the merely formal one Hintikka ? s view Hintikka ? s reading takes as its starting point the account of mathematical method as presented in the Prize Essay of where Kant compares the certainty of metaphysical cognition with that of mathematical cognition Hintikka takes Kant ? s claim that ??mathematics in its analyses proofs and inferences examines the universal under signs in concreto ? whereas ??philosophy examines the

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