List of philosophy dictionaries and encyclopedias
Seattle Paci ?c University Library DICTIONARIES AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS OF PHILOSOPHY very much in progress Dictionaries and encyclopedias of theology can be helpful here too This document contains hidden text Guides to the reference literature For example ? Paradis Auclair Sautereau Guide de la recherche documentaire en philosophie Presses de l' Université Laval ? Bynagle Philosophy a guide to the reference literature rd ed REF B B Some overarching encyclopedias For example ? Internet encyclopedia of philosophy In process at http www iep utm edu ? Routledge encyclopedia of philosophy vols Ed Craig continuous revision Online at http ezproxy spu edu login url http www rep routledge com ? Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy In process at http plato stanford edu ? Globethics net http www globethics net Library Search the Libraries Reference Books among other routes Requires a registration ? Enzyklop? die Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie überarb u erw Au Ed Blasche Wolters Mittelstra? et al vols Metzler - edition at University of Washington Suzzallo Reference B E ? Enciclopedia ?loso ?ca Nuova ed interamente riveduta e ampliata Ed Fondazione Centro studi ?loso ?ci di Gallarate vols Bompiani - edition in Summit ? Encyclopedia of philosophy nd ed Ed Borchert vols SPU has the st edition in vols at REF B E Online via the KCLS http ezproxy kcls org login url http galenet galegroup com servlet eBooks ste docNum CX q kcls requires a KCLS login ? Europ? ische Enzyklop? die zu Philosophie und Wissenschaften Ed Sandkühler vols Felix Meiner Summit ? Encyclopédie philosophique universelle Ed Jacob vols in - Summit ? Volume I L ? univers philosophique Ed Jacob nd ed ? Volume II Les notions philosophiques dictionnaire rd ed Ed Auroux vols ? Volume III Oeuvres philosophiques dictionnaire Ed Mattéi vols ? Volume IV Les textes philosophiques nd ed Ed Jacob Mattéi ? Handbuch philosopher Grundbegri ?e Ed Krings Baumgartner Wild vols University of Washington Suzzallo Reference B K ? Great ideas a syntopicon of Great books of the western world Ed Adler vols REF AC G Later called Syntopicon an index to the great ideas vols REF AC S Steve Perisho Theology Humanities Fine Arts Librarian sperisho spu edu CSeattle Paci ?c University Library DICTIONARIES AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS OF PHILOSOPHY very much in progress Dictionaries and encyclopedias of theology can be helpful here too Some overarching dictionaries For example ? Penguin dictionary of philosophy nd ed Ed Mautner Penguin Summit ? Concise encyclopedia of western philosophy and philosophers Ed Urmson Rée rd ed Routledge SPU has the st edition at B U ? Dictionnaire de la philosophie Ed Godin Fayard et Éditions du temps ? Grand dictionnaire de la philosophie Ed Blay Larousse ? Bunge Philosophical dictionary Enlarged ed Prometheus Books REF B B ? Encyclopédie de la philosophie Ed Montenot Librairie générale française ? Les notions philosophiques dictionnaire rd ed Ed Auroux vols Presses Universitaires de France Vol of the Encyclopédie philosophique universelle above Summit ? Le vocabulaire des philosophes Ed Zarader vols Ellipses - De l'antiquité à
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- Publié le Aoû 04, 2021
- Catégorie Philosophy / Philo...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 77kB