Modelsim quick guide Quick Guide ModelSim Key Commands add memory opens the speci ?ed memory in the MDI frame of the Main window add testbrowser adds ucdb ?les to the Test Management Browser add watch adds signals or variables to the Watch window add wave

Quick Guide ModelSim Key Commands add memory opens the speci ?ed memory in the MDI frame of the Main window add testbrowser adds ucdb ?les to the Test Management Browser add watch adds signals or variables to the Watch window add wave adds VHDL signals and variables and Verilog nets and registers to the Wave window alias creates a new Tcl procedure that evaluates the speci ?ed commands change modi ?es the value of a VHDL variable or Verilog register variable checkpoint saves the state of your simulation compare add compares signals in a reference design against signals in a test design con ?gure invokes the List or Wave widget con ?gure command for the current default List or Wave window COVERAGE ------ coverage attribute displays attributes in the currently loaded database coverage clear clears all coverage data obtained during previous run commands coverage di ? reports the coverage di ?erences between two test runs coverage ?le sets the name of the coverage data ?le to be automatically saved at the end of simulation coverage goal Sets the value of UCDB-wide goals coverage ranktest ranks coverage data according to user- speci ?ed tests coverage report produces a textual output of the coverage statistics that have been gathered up to this point coverage summaryinfo prints coverage numbers of the speci ?ed coverage types without loading the entire database coverage tag adds or removes tags from speci ?ed objects coverage testnames displays test names in the current UCDB ?le loaded delete removes objects from either the List or Wave window do executes commands contained in a macro ?le drivers displays in the Main window the current value and scheduled future values for all the drivers of a speci ?ed VHDL signal or Verilog net dumplog dumps the contents of the vsim wlf ?le in a readable format echo displays a speci ?ed message in the Main window edit invokes the editor speci ?ed by the EDITOR environment variable environment displays or changes the current dataset and region environment examine examines one or more objects and displays current values or the values at a speci ?ed previous time in the Main window ?nd displays the full pathnames of all objects in the design whose names match the name speci ?cation you provide force www support model com SUPPORT applies stimulus to VHDL signals and Verilog nets history lists the commands executed during the current session next continues a search see the search command noforce removes the e ?ect of any active force commands on the selected object notepad opens a simple text editor printenv echoes to the Main window the current names and values of all environment variables pro ?le on enables runtime pro ?ling of where your simulation is spending its time and where memory is allocated property list changes one or more properties of the speci ?ed signal net or register in the List Window property wave changes one or more properties of the speci ?ed signal net or register in

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