Prince of persia the forgotten sands official prima guide

Home How to use tHIs GuIde tHe story so Far IntroductIon Palace survIval GuIde tHe sand army walktHrouGH aPPendIx concePt art how to use This eGuide This eGuide has a custom navigation system to allow you to easily ?nd content within the eGuide and move between sections as you choose The main menu puts all of the eGuide sections for Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands at your ?ngertips You can select the Menu button from any eGuide page to return to the main menu at any time Of course you can also use the ??page forward ? and ??return to beginning ? icons to navigate through the eGuide For any other questions about your eGuide check out the help button Introduction Enter keywords to ?nd a speci ?c word or phrase Within each eGuide section all sub-sections are displayed for easy navigation how to use This Guide The information in this guide includes everything you need to know to get the most out of the game Here ? s a quick look at the guide ? s contents Palace Survival Guide Whether you ? re new to Prince of Persia or not study this chapter to understand the gameplay mechanics From acrobatics to combat to magic every move is discussed giving you insight in how to maneuver around the palace like a true Prince The chapter also covers the new upgrade menu helping you choose the right upgrades and powers to match your style of play Prima O ?cial Game Guide Protected by coPyright UnaUthorized or UnlawfUl coPying or downloading exPressly Prohibited CHome How to Use This Guide The Story so Far Introduction Palace Survival Guide The Sand Army Walkthrough Appendix Concept Art Introduction Welcome to the o ?cial game guide for Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands This installment of the popular series takes place between Prince of Persia The Sands of Time and Prince of Persia The Two Thrones ?lling in the gap between the Prince ? s adventures in Azad and Babylon The Prince ? s return to his family ? s kingdom is rife with peril as a new threat emerges from the desert sand ??a threat that was locked away for centuries but has now been released Now the fate of the kingdom and the world at large rests in the able hands of the Prince Do you have what it takes to restore order Fortunately you won ? t be alone This guide contains everything you need to know to survive this latest adventure So set aside your fears and leap into action The Story so Far While visiting his brother ? s kingdom following his adventure in Azad the Prince ?nds the royal palace under siege from a mighty army bent on destruction When the decision is made to use the ancient Power of the Sand in a desperate gamble to save the kingdom from total annihilation the Prince embarks on an epic adventure in which he learns to bear the mantle

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