Writing guide to eoies formal letter e mail

EOIES IES Porreres Writing Guide to EOIES General text structure to remember when writing the di ?erent types of texts FORMAL LETTER E-MAIL NEVER WRITE A TITLE - NEVER USE CONTACTIONS ? SALUTATION o Dear Sir or Madame Dear Mr Smith ? st Paragraph o Write and introduction of why you are writing the letter To complain about something as a reply to an article you saw on the newspaper to apply for a job ? ? nd part o Give details about what you ? re writing about and make sure you cover ALL the points you are asked to e g ? If you are applying to a job mention your abilities availability and why you ? re good suitable the perfect candidate for that job in particular ? rd part refer to any contact details necessary to contact you o If you ? d like me to attend an interview any contact details are below I m free very afternoon after pm ? th part always use a closing sentence o I would be grateful to hear from you in the near future I look forward to hearing from you I would be grateful for a quick reply ? ? Close The letter End the letter appropriately and sign with name and family name o Use Yours sincerely if you know the name of the person you ? re writing to o Use Yours faithfully it you don ? t know who you ? re writing to INFORMAL E-MAIL LETTER Use Informal language phrasal verbs question tags ? ? Salutation o Hi Hello Hiya Pete ? st Part Refer back to the e-mail you ? re replying to and introduce the reply ? nd part Reply to all the things you ? ve been asked to in the original e-mail and organize the ideas so that they can be followed logically using a new paragraph for each topic o Do NOT use too formal connectors it wouldn ? t sound natural Go for anyway but and because of so ? rd part Write and appropriate ending ? Farewell your friend and sign the e-mail with your name o King regards Love Best wishes See you soon ? CEOIES IES Porreres STORY Generally Needs a Title Use PAST TENSES correctly simple perfect and continuous Use LOTS of ADJECTIVES to describe in depth portray what you are explaining Use CONNECTORS of sequence then suddenly soon after eventually ? ? TIP for structure and attractiveness Make sure you START THE STORY with a con ict EXPLAIN THE EVENTS in a sequence and Make an INTERESTING ENDING to make a good impression on the reader corrector of your composition ESSAY TRY TO AVOID INFORMAL LANGUAGE AND CONTRACTIONS ? st Paragraph INTRODCTION o Identify explain the purpose focus of your essay You want to give a general ? picture ? of what you want to talk about introducing both sides of the argument ? OPINION ESSAY When writing an opinion essay state

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