Iec 60811 511 measurement of the melt flow index of polyethylene compounds

INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE IEC - Edition - Electric and optical ?bre cables ?? Test methods for non-metallic materials ?? Part Mechanical tests ?? Measurement of the melt ow index of polyethylene compounds C? bles électriques et à ?bres optiques ?? Méthodes d ? essai pour les matériaux non-métalliques ?? Partie Essais mécaniques ?? Mesure de l ? indice de uidité à chaud des mélanges polyéthylène IEC - -- -- --- Provided by IHS under license with IEC No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee SAUDI ELECTRICITY COMPANY Not for Resale MST CTHIS PUBLICATION IS COPYRIGHT PROTECTED Copyright ? IEC Geneva Switzerland All rights reserved Unless otherwise speci ?ed no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying and micro ?lm without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about IEC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication please contact the address below or your local IEC member National Committee for further information Droits de reproduction réservés Sauf indication contraire aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ni utilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procédé électronique ou mécanique y compris la photocopie et les micro ?lms sans l'accord écrit de la CEI ou du Comité national de la CEI du pays du demandeur Si vous avez des questions sur le copyright de la CEI ou si vous désirez obtenir des droits supplémentaires sur cette publication utilisez les coordonnées ci-après ou contactez le Comité national de la CEI de votre pays de résidence IEC Central O ?ce rue de Varembé CH- Geneva Switzerland Tel Fax info iec ch www iec ch About the IEC The International Electrotechnical Commission IEC is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical electronic and related technologies About IEC publications The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published Useful links IEC publications search - www iec ch searchpub The advanced search enables you to ?nd IEC publications by a variety of criteria reference number text technical committee ? It also gives information on projects replaced and withdrawn publications IEC Just Published - webstore iec ch justpublished Stay up to date on all new IEC publications Just Published details all new publications released Available on-line and also once a month by email Electropedia - www electropedia org The world's leading online dictionary of electronic and electrical terms containing more than terms and de ?nitions in English and French with equivalent terms in additional languages Also known as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary IEV on-line Customer Service Centre - webstore iec ch csc If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance

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  • Publié le Dec 06, 2022
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