La problematique de sol invictus le cas de la dacie romaine pdf

La problématique de Sol Invictus Le cas de la Dacie Romaine Author s Juan Ramón Carbó García Source Numen Vol No pp - Published by Brill Stable URL http www jstor org stable Accessed - - UTC JSTOR is a not-for-pro ?t service that helps scholars researchers and students discover use and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship For more information about JSTOR please contact support jstor org Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms Conditions of Use available at http about jstor org terms Brill is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize preserve and extend access to Numen This content downloaded from on Wed May UTC All use subject to http about jstor org terms CBRILL Numen - NVMEN brill nl nu La probl matique de Sol Invictus Le cas de la Dacie Romaine Juan Ram n Carb Garc a Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Departamento de Humanidades Historia Geogra ?a y Arte Ci Madrid Getafe Madrid Spain jrcarbo hum uc m es jrcarbo hotmail com Abstract This study deals with the problem of the di ?cult attribution of inscriptions dedicated to Sol Invictus which some authors have interpreted as Mithraic monuments some as inscriptions belonging to the Syrian god Sol Invictus Elagabal and others ?nally to a Roman Sol Invictus unconnected with any Eastern in uences or Eastern origin The issue of these multiple epigraphic monuments is of great importance for the study of the di ?usion of Mithraism of the worship of the Syrian deity and in general for the study of Roman cults of Eastern origin Departing from theoretical considerations found in the existing literature and through the application of a comparative method ology with monuments from other parts of the Empire the speci ?c case of Roman Dacia is introduced with a detailed and individual analysis of epigraphic sources asso ciated with the problem made all the more complicated by the fact that in these inscriptions no explicit mention of Elagabal is made Keywords Roman religion sun worship Sol Invictus Elagabal Dacia epigraphy Cette tude a t men e dans le cadre du Projet de Recherche du Minist re de Sciences et Technologie Espagnol avec le code HUM - du Groupe EPI RUS Etudes sur le Pouvoir dans l'Empire Romain Universit de Salamanca lors d'un s jour l'Acad mie de Roumanie Rome invit en qualit de chercheur post-docto rat et dans le cadre du Groupe HHR Historiographie et Histoire des Religions Uni versit Carlos III de Madrid J'aimerais remercier les aimables appr ciations commentaires et suggestions faits sur la premi re version de ce travail par des remar quables sp cialistes en id ologie du pouvoir l' poque romaine telle que Mme le Professeur Maria Jos Hidalgo en religion romaine comme M le Professeur Jaime Koninklijke Brill NV Leiden DOI X This content downloaded from on Wed May UTC All

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  • Publié le Jan 05, 2022
  • Catégorie Religion
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 153.9kB