Religious experience tang bibliographie book reviews well worth reading Dr Chou clearly knows Tu Fu and is very well read in traditional as well as the latest Tu Fu scholarship It is the most advanced work on Tu Fu to date and will be of interest and use
bibliographie book reviews well worth reading Dr Chou clearly knows Tu Fu and is very well read in traditional as well as the latest Tu Fu scholarship It is the most advanced work on Tu Fu to date and will be of interest and use to scholars of Tu Fu and T ? ang poetry A large number of poems are translated and the discussions can be helpful informative and insightful Especially valuable are the numerous references to traditional critics One may or may not agree with Dr Chou ? s readings or the comments of the traditional critics but the reader ?nds himself enjoying Tu Fu with worthy colleagues Given Dr Chou ? s obvious knowledge however Reconsidering Tu Fu should have been much better than it is Topics such as the nature and evolution of Tu Fu ? s reputation or his use of juxtaposition are important and are examples of the sort of questions scholars should be engaged in If only the approaches and methods had been kept simpler and more straightforward and the arbitrary invention of terms and concepts avoided the results would have been far more rewarding Purdue University Daniel HSIEH Glen DUDBRIDGE Religious Experience and Lay Society in T ? ang China A Reading of Tai Fu ? s Kuang-i chi Cambridge Studies in Chinese History Literature and Institutions Cambridge Cambridge University Press IX pp Maps Notes Appendix Bibliographic References Index ISBN - - - In the nearly two decades since Kenneth DeWoskin apparently came up with the translation of ??describing anomalies ? for chih- kuai I have never been comfortable with English renditions of the term Recently however several studies have appeared which have caused me to rethink DeWoskin ? s translation and indeed the genre of chih-kuai in general One of those studies is Glen Dudbridge ? s Religious Experience DeWoskin ?rst used the translation ??recording anomalies ? on p of his dissertation ??The Sou-shen-chi and the Chih-kuai Tradition A Bibliography and Generic Study ? Columbia University he popularized the translation ??describing anomalies ? in his entry on the chih-kuai for the Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature Bloomington Indiana University Press pp ?? ??describing anomalies ? has evolved to ??anomaly accounts ? in the work of Robert Ford Campany see below ? Brill Leiden T ? oung Pao LXXXV Bookrev p PM C bibliographie book reviews and Lay Society in T ? ang China A Reading of Tai Fu ? s Kuang-i chi Dudbridge makes two new claims in his book First that the genre we have come to know as chih-kuai is in some cases at least more religious than literary Second that in traditional China especially prior to Chu Hsi ? s in uence there was a pervasive set of religious beliefs more basic than the Three Teachings of Confucianism Taoism and Buddhism and that this set was shar- ed by all levels of society Since I have followed with almost missionary devotion the direction of Glen Dudbridge ?
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- Publié le Jan 17, 2021
- Catégorie Religion
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 62.7kB