field guide EMS Guide January MECHANICAL C IRCULATORY S UPPORT O RGANIZATION This guide is produce by MCSO ?? The Mechanical Circulatory Support Organization It is produced by VAD Coordinators from some of the largest and most successful VAD implantation
EMS Guide January MECHANICAL C IRCULATORY S UPPORT O RGANIZATION This guide is produce by MCSO ?? The Mechanical Circulatory Support Organization It is produced by VAD Coordinators from some of the largest and most successful VAD implantation hospitals in the US It has been vetted by experts on VADS in Air Medical Transport and EMS It should not replace the operator manual as the primary source of information Reprinted with the permission of Thoratec Corporation Questions and Answers What is a Ventricular Assist Device VAD A ventricular assist device VAD is a mechanical pump that ? s used to support heart function and blood ow in people who have weakened hearts How does a VAD work The device takes blood from a lower chamber of the heart and helps pump it to the body and vital organs just as a healthy heart would What are the parts of a VAD The basic parts of a VAD include a small tube that carries blood out of your heart into a pump another tube that carries blood from the pump to your blood vessels which deliver the blood to your body and a power source What is the power source The power source is either batteries or AC power The power source is connected to a control unit that monitors the VAD ? s functions The batteries are carried in a case usually located in a holster in a vest wrapped around the patients shoulders What does the control unit or controller do The control unit gives warnings or alarms if the power is low or if it senses that the device isn ? t working right It is a computer The portability of the HeartMate II enables patients to resume many of their normal daily activities JANUARY Color Coding System MOST patients have a tag located on the controller around their waist that says what type of device it is what institution put it in and a number to call Most importantly is the color of the tag ?? it matches this EMS Field Guide and allows you to quickly locate the device you are caring for JANUARY Patient Management Assess the patients airway and intervene per your protocol Auscultate Heart Sounds to determine if the device is functioning and what type of device it is If it is continuous ow device you should hear a ??whirling sound ? Assess the device for any alarms Look on controller usually found around the waist of the patient and to see what color tag and device it is Match the color on the device tag to the EMS Guide Intervene appropriately based on the type of alarm tag device and EMS Guide Start Large Bore IV Assess vital signs ?? Use Mean BP with Doppler ?? with the ?rst sound you hear is the Mean Arterial Pressure MAP If no Doppler use the Mean on the non invasive blood pressure machine Transport to closest VAD center Call the number on the device
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- Publié le Jui 06, 2021
- Catégorie Health / Santé
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 103.2kB