CE A a-A b ETYMOLOGY The Coptic language comprises an autochthonous vocabulary see VOCABULARY OF EGYPTIAN ORIGIN and VOCABULARY OF SEMITIC ORIGIN with an overlay of several heterogeneous strata see VOCABULARY COPTO -GREEK and VOCABULARY COPTO -ARABIC As a

CE A a-A b ETYMOLOGY The Coptic language comprises an autochthonous vocabulary see VOCABULARY OF EGYPTIAN ORIGIN and VOCABULARY OF SEMITIC ORIGIN with an overlay of several heterogeneous strata see VOCABULARY COPTO -GREEK and VOCABULARY COPTO -ARABIC As a rule etymologic research in Coptology is limited to the autochthonous vocabulary Etymology from Greek etymos true and logos word is the account of the origin the meaning and the phonetics of a word over the course of time and the comparison of it with cognate or similar terms In Coptic the basic vocabulary as well as the morphology of the language is of Egyptian origin Egyptian shares many words and all its morphology grammatical forms with the Semitic languages Egyptian is transcribed with an alphabet of twenty-four letters in the following order ? ? w b p f m n r h h z s sometimes transcribed q k g t t d d All these letters represent consonants The sign is the glottal stop heard at the commencement of German words beginning with a vowel die Oper or Hebrew aleph ? is y in ??yes ? but sometimes pronounced like aleph ? is called ? ayin as in Hebrew the emphatic correspondent to aleph cf Arabic ? Abdallah h is the English h is an emphatic h as in Arabic Mu ammad is the Scotch ch in loch h is like German ch in ich between and and nearly like English h in human is English sh in ??ship ? t is ch in English ??child ? and d is English j in ? joke ? The group ? ? is pronounced y There is no particular sign for l this sound is transcribed r n or nr Late Egyptian uses the sign of a lion rw for l There are no vowels written in Egyptian but the original pronounciation may be reconstructed to some extent by the insertion of the Coptic vowels and by comparative studies Thus Egyptian rmt man which is B rwmi and S rwme is reconstructed r met and was probably pronounced r mit which is the form of a participle as Egyptian Arabic r gil classical Arabic ra ul Egyptian shares many words with the Semitic languages including Akkadian Assyrian in northern Mesopotamia Babylonian Cin southern Mesopotamia Hebrew language of the Bible Aramaic language of Jesus Christ Arabic language of the Qur ? an and Ethiopian language of Menelik the legendary son of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba founder of the Ethiopian dynasty among others Egyptologists pronounce Egyptian words by inserting e between the consonants sdm to hear is sejem ptr to look is peter The letters and ? are pronounced a is ? and w may be pronounced as u Thus p to hide becomes hap ? n to live is ankh ? ny to bring is ini and mw water is mu wfw the name of the builder of the Great Pyramid becomes Khufu or more often Cheops as the Greeks rendered

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