Psychiatry attachment guide
PCMH Psychiatry Attachment Guide The accompanying excel documents outline the individualised six week Galway timetables for each student undertaking the PCMH Primary Care Mental Health module in the current academic year Students should locate their number please see the separate document on Blackboard with regards to student names and their allocated number The corresponding number on the timetable indicates the student ? s individual timetable for their week clinical placement in PCMH read across We suggest you identify your activities over the week period and transfer them into your own diary located in the back of your logbook Please take care that you download the correct timetable intended for you there are two per semester - If you start with PCMH Psychiatry GP ENT then you need the group timetable If you start with WCH ObsGynae Paeds then you need the group timetable The timetables are broadly similar with some small changes to accommodate for bank holidays etc The didactic teaching programme for weeks in semester and week in semester is outlined in the separate schedule which can be accessed via Blackboard Your psychiatry tutor is Dr James Mc Loughlin james mcloughlin nuigalway ie General Practice GP Placement outlines the two week period that each student will spend on clinical general practice placement Further details can be found on Blackboard GP SGT refers to the sessions for general practice small group teaching which have been allocated to each student Further details can be found on Blackboard ORL ENT SGT relates to the small group teaching sessions in Otorhinolaryngology to which the student has been allocated Further details of locations for these sessions can be found on Blackboard ENT OPD refers to allocated sessions for student attendance at ORL outpatients clinic on the ground oor of the main hospital outpatients department Psychiatry CPsychiatry SGT sessions are divided by the topic nature of the session Video Students must seek out their own patient to record with o Video recording and feedback sessions which are conducted in the Seminar Room in the Dept of Psychiatry o Tuesday am - pm Wednesday pm ?? pm Friday nd Sept pm- pm o Videos are recorded at the beginning of the session approx hours with a dedicated videographer and then the feedback session takes place am and pm respectively It is recommended to familiarise yourself with the patient prior to the video session and you must ?rst speak to the patient to see if they are willing to participate Please try to discuss with your team about ?nding a suitable patient failing this speak to the nursing sta ? about who may be appropriate The purpose of the session is to work on communication skills and style of history-taking it is not about taking an exhaustive history from the patient Please note that patients on ??level observations ? or involuntarily detained patients are not permitted to leave the ward for the video Please inform a member of nursing sta ? when taking a patient o ?
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Jan 01, 2023
- Catégorie Health / Santé
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 67.7kB