crc guide 1 ACSM GET CERTIFIED GUIDE BE THE GOLD STANDARD INSIDE Welcome to ACSM Why Get ACSM Certi ?ed Which Certi ?cation Do I Choose Preparing For Your Exam Scheduling Taking Your Exam Staying Certi ?ed With Continuing Education ACSM Membership acsmcer
ACSM GET CERTIFIED GUIDE BE THE GOLD STANDARD INSIDE Welcome to ACSM Why Get ACSM Certi ?ed Which Certi ?cation Do I Choose Preparing For Your Exam Scheduling Taking Your Exam Staying Certi ?ed With Continuing Education ACSM Membership acsmcerti ?cation org certi ?cation acsm org CWelcome to ACSM Advancing health ?? with your help Are you ready to aim for the gold standard The ACSM Get Certi ?ed Guide is the next step toward advancing your career in health and ?tness It ? s true that ACSM was the ?rst to certify health ?tness professionals ?? and we ? ve been based in science and research since day one But what sets ACSM apart isn ? t just how long we ? ve been around how high our standards are or how much ground our ?tness clinical and specialty certi ?cations cover What sets ACSM apart It ? s you With over certi ?ed professionals working across diverse ?elds in over countries ?? ACSM certi ?ed professionals bring the gold standard to life one day and one life at a time Our professionals are creating an impact whether sweating it out in front of a group exercise class designing personalized exercise programs in a clinic or training the next generation of athletes ?? they are building longer healthier lives wherever their career takes them What ? s in store for you when you earn your ACSM certi ?cation Credibility ?? An ACSM certi ?cation validates your advanced knowledge ?? and shows that you don ? t just aim for competency you aim for excellence Research-backed and science-based an ACSM certi ?cation means you can con ?dently showcase your skills whether working with clients or peers Respect ?? Earn the respect of your peers by working hard for your ACSM certi ?cation Be respected by clients who look for and expect the best And know that your ACSM certi ?cation is respected across the health ?tness and sports medicine industry as the leading credential Recognition ?? Your ACSM certi ?cation will make you stand out from the crowd We know there are many certi ?cations to choose from ?? but there ? s only one gold standard Earning your ACSM certi ?cation means you ? ll be part of a group of passionate high-achieving professionals recognized for making a di ?erence We applaud your e ?orts and look forward to helping you achieve your certi ?cation as well as celebrating the achievements you reach in the future Your ACSM certi ?cation isn ? t a ?nish line ?? it ? s the starting point for something greater CWhy Get ACSM Certi ?ed Credibility Respect Recognition Earning an ACSM certi ?cation makes you uniquely quali ?ed to work with all types of people including those with health risks Our certi ?cations enhance your career potential ?? ACSM establishes the standards used in the health ?tness industry And employers prefer an ACSM certi ?cation because it ensures a high standard of knowledge
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- Publié le Jul 18, 2022
- Catégorie Science & technolo...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 59.8kB