groove guide Gigs Music Film Reviews News Gadgets Games Gear FREE SHIT WORTH DOING Ridley Scott ? s cosmic existential crisis Hot Chip Sau c i e r than ever John Lydon Johnny Rotten or Johnny Be Good - JUN NZ ? S oNLY FREE WEEKLY STREET PRESS ISSUE GROOVE

Gigs Music Film Reviews News Gadgets Games Gear FREE SHIT WORTH DOING Ridley Scott ? s cosmic existential crisis Hot Chip Sau c i e r than ever John Lydon Johnny Rotten or Johnny Be Good - JUN NZ ? S oNLY FREE WEEKLY STREET PRESS ISSUE GROOVEGUIDE CO NZ CVisit tepapa govt nz matariki or facebook com tepapa Scan the QR code with your smartphone to go to the Matariki mobile site An iCal schedule of events is available for iPhones Festival sponsors Education partners CWIN A VIP TRIP TO LOLLAPALOOZA Find out how at facebook com leejeansaustralia CWeDneSDAY June pm ?? pm D ? Arcy Waldegrave ? s ? Drive ? radio show broadcasting live pm ?? pm Pre-game entertainment hosted by Radio Sport ? s D ? Arcy Waldegrave with Steve Price pLUS SKYCITY cheer girls guitarist Rigi Harawira and spot prizes pm ?? pm Queensland maroons vs New South Wales Blues Watch the game LIVe ON mULtIpLe BIg ScReeNS taB ON-SIte skycityauckland co nz Level SKYCITY facebook com TheNationsClubrooms hOme OF the SKY CShit Worth Knowing grooveguide co nz NEWS A chordial a ?air Flight of the Conchords have announced their ?nal show on the leg of their homeland tour The duo will be joined by Arj Barker in their hometown of Wellington on Monday July at the TSB Bank Arena Presales will be available through Ticketek on Thursday June at am through to midday on Friday June with general sales on sale at pm on the Friday Scan the QR code with your smartphone to go to Groove Guide ? s mobile website for breaking news reviews interviews and more features We also do this cool social media stu ? GrooveGuide facebook com grooveguide The Wright Stu ? Rufus Wainwright has announced his return to New Zealand for one show in September The member of clan Wainwright will play one show in Auckland as he celebrates the release of his new album Out of The Game Finishing on the back of his Australian tour Rufus Wainwright will play with Krystle Warren at Auckland ? s Civic Theatre on Friday September Tickets go on Monday June and will be available from The Edge Groove Guide is New Zealand ? s leading weekly music and entertainment publication free copies are available every week at music stores cafes fast food outlets nightclubs bars restaurants cinemas and retail stores throughout New Zealand If you would like to stock Groove Guide please contact tyler grooveguide co nz or call Editor Grant Hislop editor grooveguide co nz General Manager Gemma Russell gemma grooveguide co nz CONTRIBUTING Editor Matt Monk matt grooveguide co nz Editorial assistant Tyler Hislop tyler grooveguide co nz SUB Editor Elise Brinkman elise grooveguide co nz Designer Greta Gotlieb greta grooveguide co nz Advertising gemma grooveguide co nz Accounts Gail Hislop gail grooveguide co nz Contributors Jan Maree Gabi Lardies Jenn Laidlaw Laura Weaser Adam Fresco Morgan Bates Micky Gunn print Image Print ltd Publisher Hark Entertainment LTD

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  • Publié le Mar 15, 2022
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 142.2kB