Memoire plison pdf Université catholique de Louvain Faculté des Sciences Appliquées Département d'Ingénierie Informatique Implémentation d'une Interface Sémantique-Syntaxe basée sur des C Grammaires d'Uni cation Polarisées Pierre Lison Promoteur Prof Pier

Université catholique de Louvain Faculté des Sciences Appliquées Département d'Ingénierie Informatique Implémentation d'une Interface Sémantique-Syntaxe basée sur des C Grammaires d'Uni cation Polarisées Pierre Lison Promoteur Prof Pierre Dupont Co-promoteur Prof Cédrick Fairon Mémoire présenté en vue de l'obtention du grade d'ingénieur civil en informatique Louvain-la-neuve Année Académique - C Une nouvelle période commence o? des chercheurs d'abord séparés par leur formation de départ mathématique psychologie philologie - se C rapprochent et contribuent à l'édi cation d'une linguistique unique C'est une D E période o? l'on ré échit sur les di cultés rencontrées par les premières expériences sur ordinateurs et o? l'on révise et approfondit les notions de base Il n'en appara? t que mieux à quel point Tesnière était allé droit à l'essentiel Jean Fourquet préface à la deuxième édition des Eléments de Syntaxe Structurale de Lucien Tesnière Tous les moyens de l'esprit D sont enfermés dans le langage et qui n'a point ré échi sur le langage n'a D point ré échi du tout Alain Propos sur l'éducation CAbstract This work relates to Natural Language Processing NLP a C C scienti c research eld situated at the intersection of several classical disciplines such as computer science linguistics mathematics psychology and whose object is the design of computational systems able to process i e understand and or generate linguistic data whether oral or written In order to achieve that goal it is often necessary to design formal models able to simulate the behaviour of complex linguistic phenomena Several theories C have been elaborated to this end Signi cent divergences do exist between them concerning linguistic foundations as well as grammatical formalisms B and related computer tools Nevertheless many e orts have recently been made to bring them closer together and two major trends clearly seem to emerge from the main contemporary theories They are all built around modular architecture explicitly distinguishing the semantic syntactic morphological and phonological representation levels They all give a central position to the lexicon rightly seen as a crucial resource for the E establishment of e cient and wide-coverage systems This study examines an essential component of all these models the semantics-syntax interface responsible for the mapping between the semantic and syntactic levels of the architecture Indeed many distortion phenomenas can be found in every human language between these two levels Let us mention as examples the handling of idioms and locutions the active passive alternation the so-called extraction phenomenas relative subordinates interrogative clauses elliptic coordination and many others We approach this issue in the C framework of a particular linguistic theory the Meaning-Text Uni cation Grammars MPUG Kahane Kahane et Lareau an articulated mathematical model of language recently devised by S Kahane and his C related description formalism Polarized Uni cation Grammars PUG C Kahane The rst part of our work deals with the general study of the role and inner workings of the semantics-syntax interface within this theory We then propose a concrete implementation of it based on Constraint Programming This implementation is

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