Patent us425724 arnodin No Model Sheets-Sheet F J ARNODIN M A DE PALACI MEANS FORTRANSPORTING LOADS No Patented Apr NS esses A e Z- - er THE NORRIS PETERs co Photo- litHo washington c c C No Model Sheets-Sheet F J ARNODIN M A DE PATACI MEANS FOR TRANSPORT

No Model Sheets-Sheet F J ARNODIN M A DE PALACI MEANS FORTRANSPORTING LOADS No Patented Apr NS esses A e Z- - er THE NORRIS PETERs co Photo- litHo washington c c C No Model Sheets-Sheet F J ARNODIN M A DE PATACI MEANS FOR TRANSPORTING L ADS No Patented Apr A-zaza esses evee o Z e ZZY at a C No Model Sheets-Sheet Y F J ARNODIN M A DE PAI ACI MEANS FOR TRANSPORTING LOADS No Patented Apr Witnesses C No Model Sheets-Sheet F J ARNODIN M A DE PALACIO MEANS FOR TRANSPORTING LOADS No Patented Apr A zz essey ar A é Z CUNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE FERDINAND JOSEPH ARNODIN OF CHATEAUNEUF-ON-THE-LOIRE FRANCE AND MARTIN ALBERTO DE PALACIO OF BILBAO SPAIN MEANS FOR TRANSPORTING LOADS SRECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No dated April Application ?led March Serial No No model Patented in France November No in England December No in Belgium February No and in Spain April No To all twhon it may concern suspending the platform or car upon the said Be it known that we FERDINAND JOSEPH ARNODIN a citizen of the Republic of France rails or ways In the accompanying drawings Figure rep residing at Chateauneuf-on-the-Loire in said Republic and MARTIN ALBERTO DEPALACIO resents an elevation of a bridge of the Sus pension type furnished with a transporting a subject of the King of Spain residing at apparatus according to our invention Fig Bilbao in said Kingdom have invented a new represents a side elevation on a larger and useful Improvement in Means for Trans scale of a portion of one of the girders of the porting Loads from one Place to Another for bridge a rail supported thereon a set of Io Which Said ARNODIN has obtained a brevet wheels or rollers running on Said rail a por d'invention of the Republic of France No tion of a frame suspended from said wheels dated November and forwhich or rolliers and a portion of one of the suspen- o they have jointly obtained a patent in Spain sion rods or cables by which the car or plat No dated April a patent of form is to be suspended from said frame Fig I Great Britain No dated December and a brevet in Belgium No represents a transverse Section of a portion of the bridge corresponding with Fig Fig dated February of which the follow shows a side elevation of a portion of a ing is a speci ?cation reference being had to bridge-girder on a smaller scale than Figs the accompanying drawings and with two adjacent sets of wheels or Our invention relates to means employed rollers-such as are shown in Figs and for transporting a load from one point to an running thereon Fig is a plan correspond other across a water-course or ravine or where ing with Fig Fig represents in section O the conditions are not favorable for making a portion of the oor of the suspended plat a road

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