Physicalsciencestudyguide august2008
PHYSICAL SCIENCE Study Guide Georgia End-Of-Course Tests C CTABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION HOW TO USE THE STUDY GUIDE OVERVIEW OF THE EOCT PREPARING FOR THE EOCT Study Skills Time Management Organization Active Participation Test-taking Strategies Suggested Strategies to Prepare for the EOCT Suggested Strategies the Day before the EOCT Suggested Strategies the Morning of the EOCT Top Suggested Strategies during the EOCT TEST CONTENT Studying the Content Domains Content Domain I Atomic and Nuclear Theory and the Periodic Table Content Domain II Chemical Reactions and Properties of Matter Content Domain III Energy Force and Motion Content Domain IV Waves Electricity and Magnetism Co- requisite Domain Characteristics and Nature of Science APPENDIX A EOCT Sample Overall Study Plan Sheet APPENDIX B Blank Overall Study Plan Sheet APPENDIX C EOCT Sample Daily Study Plan Sheet APPENDIX D Blank Daily Study Plan Sheet Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox State Superintendent of Schools August All Rights Reserved CThis Page is Intentionally Left Blank CPhysical Science EOCT INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION This study guide is designed to help students prepare to take the Georgia End-of-Course Test EOCT for Physical Science The guide provides information about the EOCT tips on how to prepare for it and some suggested strategies students can use to perform their best What is the EOCT The EOCT program was created to improve student achievement through e ?ective instruction and assessment of the Georgia Performance Standards speci ?c to the eight EOCT core high school courses The EOCT program also helps to ensure that all Georgia students have access to a rigorous curriculum that meets high performance standards The purpose of the EOCT is to provide diagnostic data that can be used to enhance the e ?ectiveness of schools ? instructional programs The Georgia End-of-Course Testing program is a result of the A Educational Reform Act of O C G A ? - - This act requires that the Georgia Department of Education create end-of-course assessments for students in grades through for the following core high school subjects Mathematics ? Mathematics I Algebra Geometry Statistics ? Mathematics II Geometry Algebra II Statistics Social Studies ? United States History ? Economics Business Free Enterprise Science ? Biology ? Physical Science English Language Arts ? Ninth Grade Literature and Composition ? American Literature and Composition Getting started The HOW TO USE THE STUDY GUIDE section on page outlines the contents in each section lists the materials you should have available as you study for the EOCT and suggests some steps for preparing for the Physical Science EOCT Copyright ? by the Georgia Department of Education All rights reserved CPhysical Science EOCT HOW TO USE THE STUDY GUIDE HOW TO USE THE STUDY GUIDE This study guide is designed to help you prepare to take the Physical Science EOCT It will give you valuable information about the EOCT explain how to prepare to take the EOCT and provide some opportunities to practice for the EOCT The study guide is organized into three sections Each section focuses
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- Publié le Sep 04, 2022
- Catégorie Science & technolo...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 253.5kB