Wipo grtkf ic 35 inf 1 prov 2

WIPO GRTKF IC INF PROV ORIGINAL FRANCAIS ENGLISH DATE MARS MARCH Comité intergouvernemental de la propriété intellectuelle relative aux ressources génétiques aux savoirs traditionnels et au folklore Trente-cinquième session Genève ?? mars Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources Traditional Knowledge and Folklore Thirty-Fifth Session Geneva March to DEUXIÈME LISTE PROVISOIRE ?? DES PARTICIPANTS SECOND PROVISIONAL ?? LIST OF PARTICIPANTS établie par le Secrétariat prepared by the Secretariat ?? Les participants sont priés d ? informer le Secrétariat des modi ?cations qui devront être prises en considération lors de l ? établissement de la liste ?nale des participants en indiquant les corrections sur la présente liste provisoire ?? Participants are requested to inform the Secretariat of any changes which should be taken into account in preparing the ?nal list of participants Changes should be requested by making corrections on the present provisional list CWIPO GRTKF IC INF Prov page I ÉTATS STATES dans l ? ordre alphabétique des noms français des États in the alphabetical order of the names in French of the States AFRIQUE DU SUD SOUTH AFRICA Yohah Ngalaba SELETI Mr Chief Director Department of Science and Technology DST Ministry of Science and Technology Pretoria Tilana GROBBELAAR Ms Expert Multilateral Trade Relations International Relations and Cooperation Pretoria grobbelaart dirco gov za ALBANIE ALBANIA Harilla GOGA Mr Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission Geneva Elvin LAKO Mr General Director General Directorate of Industrial Property GDIP Ministry of Economic Development Trade and Entrepreneurship Tirana ALGÉRIE ALGERIA Abdelhamid HEMDANI M directeur central Organisation foncière et protection des patrimoines génétiques Ministère de l ? agriculture du développement rural et de la pêche Alger hhemdani yahoo fr Djamel DJEDIAT M directeur des brevets Brevet d ? invention Institut national algérien de la propriété industrielle INAPI Ministère de l ? industrie de la petite et moyenne entreprise et de la promotion des investissements Alger d djediat gmail com Fayssal ALLEK M premier secrétaire Mission permanente Genève allek mission- algeria ch ALLEMAGNE GERMANY Jan POEPPEL Mr Counsellor Permanent Mission Geneva ARABIE SAOUDITE SAUDI ARABIA Norah ALHRTHI Ms Controller Copyright Department Ministry of Culture and Information Jeddah Metab AL DOSSARI Mr Director Examination Department Examination Directorate Saudi Patent O ?ce King Abdullaziz City for Science and Technology KACST Riyadh mdossery kacst edu sa CWIPO GRTKF IC INF Prov page Abdulmuhsen ALJEED Mr Deputy Director Technical A ?airs Saudi Patent O ?ce King Abdullaziz City for Science and Technology KACST Riyadh aljeed kacst edu sa ARGENTINE ARGENTINA María Inés RODRÍGUEZ Sra Ministra Misión Permanente Ginebra AUSTRALIE AUSTRALIA Aideen FITZGERALD Ms Assistant Director International Policy and Cooperation IP Australia Canberra Grace STRIPEIKIS Ms Assistant Director International Intellectual Property Section Department of Foreign A ?airs and Trade Canberra grace stripeikis dfat gov au AUTRICHE AUSTRIA Johannes WERNER Mr Head International Relations Department Austrian Patent O ?ce Vienna AZERBA? DJAN AZERBAIJAN Garay DADASHOV Mr Head International Relations and Information Provision Department Copyright Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan Baku rianews gmail com BARBADE BARBADOS Merlene WEEKES -LIBERT Ms Deputy Registrar Corporate

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