Writing assignment book review 1

Simple Science Reviews The Hitchhiker ? s Guide to the Galaxy The Hitchhiker ? s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams is a thrilling sci- ? novel detailing the travels of Arthur Dent Arthur is a withdrawn old man taken to a life of drinking and more than once quarreling with the town o ?cials Towards the beginning Arthur ? s house is threatened A bulldozer appears in front of his house with the intention of removing it Arthur determined to prevent this lays down in front of the bulldozer impeding its path From there a number of strange happenings occur launching Arthur into a voyage through space which includes mice sperm whales the question that goes with it and the destruction of Earth to build a highway This book is a must read for all of you Simple Science subscribers It is an exceptionally humorous story ?lled with adventure Though purely ?ctional the guide o ?ers a way for the common man to feel a connection with science and technology without all the large words and college degrees All in all The Hitchhiker ? s Guide to the Galaxy gets a C

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