Dahles2002 jurnal Annals of Tourism Research Vol No pp ?? F D Elsevier Science Ltd All rights reserved Printed in Great Britain www elsevier com locate atoures - PII S - - THE POLITICS OF TOUR GUIDING Image Management in Indonesia Heidi Dahles Vrije Unive
Annals of Tourism Research Vol No pp ?? F D Elsevier Science Ltd All rights reserved Printed in Great Britain www elsevier com locate atoures - PII S - - THE POLITICS OF TOUR GUIDING Image Management in Indonesia Heidi Dahles Vrije University Amsterdam The Netherlands Abstract The concept of tourist guides as ??mediators ? of local culture fails to capture the political component of guiding Governments use tourism strategically in order to address issues of national signi ?cance Based on an analysis of the policies of tourist guiding of the Indonesian government under Suharto ? s New Order regime this article discusses the impact of state propaganda on the narratives of tourist guides there Two related questions are raised what strategies does the government apply to professionalize and to control tourist guides and to what extent does government intervention constitute restrictions to and opportunities for the guides ? activities Keywords tourist F D guides mediators training government intervention Indonesia Elsevier Science Ltd All rights reserved Re ?sume ? Le gouvernement et les guides touristiques gestion de l ? image en Indone ?sie La notion des guides comme me ?diateurs de la culture locale ne tient pas bien compte de l ? e ?le ?ment politique de la profession de guide Les gouvernements utilisent le tourisme strate ?giquement a ?n d ? aborder des questions d ? importance nationale Base ? sur une analyse de la politique du gouvernement indone ?sien sous le re ?gime du Nouvel Ordre de Suharto pour le me ?tier de guide touristique cet article discute de l ? impact de la propagande de l ? e ?tat sur les narrations des guides indone ?siens On soule ve deux questions lie ?es quelles strate ?gies le gouvernement utilise-t-il pour promouvoir le professionalisme des guides et diriger leur travail et dans quelle mesure l ? intervention du gouvernement cre ?e-t-elle des limitations et des occasions pour les activite ?s des guides Mots-cle ?s guides touristiques formation intervention du F D gouvernement Indone ?sie Elsevier Science Ltd All rights reserved INTRODUCTION Tour guiding constitutes a strategic factor in the representation of a destination area and in in uencing the quality of the tourist experience the length of stay and the resulting economic bene ?ts for a local community Tourism based on cultural heritage in particular demands a speci ?c body of knowledge and a high standard of tourist guiding The role of guides in conveying information o ?ering explanations and developing narratives has become a current research theme The industry the media and government of ?cials are beginning to see that a guide ? s role extends well beyond welcoming and informing tourists The guide is entrusted with the public relations missions to encapsulate Heidi Dahles is Associate Professor of Organizational Anthropology in the Department of Culture Organization and Management at the Vrije University of Amsterdam COM De Boelelaan c HV Amsterdam the Netherlands Email h dahles scw vu nl Her current research interests focus on ethnicity and
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- Publié le Jan 17, 2021
- Catégorie Society and Cultur...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 109.6kB