Transwell guide Transwell Permeable Supports Selection and Use Guide Table of Contents Introduction Features Selecting the Right Transwell Membrane and Pore Size Selecting the Right Transwell Plates Using Transwell Permeable Supports General Directions fo
Transwell Permeable Supports Selection and Use Guide Table of Contents Introduction Features Selecting the Right Transwell Membrane and Pore Size Selecting the Right Transwell Plates Using Transwell Permeable Supports General Directions for Use Helpful Hints Ordering Information Polyester PET Transwell Inserts Collagen- Coated Transwell-COL Inserts Netwell Inserts and Accessories Polycarbonate Membrane Transwell Inserts Snapwell Inserts HTS Transwell- Well Permeable Supports and Well Cell Culture Plates HTS Transwell- Well Permeable Supports SEM of the surface of a m pore polycarbonate membrane SEM of a PTFE membrane showing its pore structure The polyester Transwell-Clear inserts in a well plate show the clarity of the membrane These mm diameter Transwell inserts have a polycarbonate membrane Introduction Cell and tissue culture techniques are becoming increasingly important for basic and applied life science research The development of new culture vessels and cell attachment substrates is currently being driven by the need to produce an environment that resembles the in vivo state as closely as possible to enable the growth of specialized cell types Consequently using permeable supports with microporous membranes have become a standard method for culturing these cells These permeable supports have allowed signi ?cant improvements in culturing polarized cells since these permeable supports permit cells to uptake and secrete molecules on both their basal and a pical surfaces and thereby carry out metabolic activities in a more natural fashion Membrane ?lters have been used as cell growth substrates since the trans ?lter metanephric induction studies of Grobstein Nature - Adapted over the years to a variety of cell types and numerous applications permeable supports treated for cell growth are now recognized as providing signi ?cant advantages over solid impermeable cell growth s ubstrates For epithelial and other cell types the use of permeable supports in vitro allows cells to be grown and studied in a polarized state under more natural con ditions Cellular d i ?erentiation can also proceed to higher levels resulting in cells that morphologically and functionally better represent their in vitro counterparts Cellular functions such as transport absorption and secretion can also be studied since cells grown on permeable supports provide convenient independent access to apical and basolateral plasma membrane domains The use of permeable support systems for cell culture has proven to be an invaluable tool in the cell biology laboratory Features Transwell cell culture inserts are convenient sterile easy-to-use permeable support devices for the study of both anchorage-dependent and anchorage-independent cell lines w Designed to produce a cell culture environment that closely resembles the in vivo state w Allows polarized cells to feed basolaterally and thereby carry out metabolic activities in a more natural fashion w Unique self-centered hanging design prevents medium wicking between the insert and outer well w Permits access to the lower compartment through windows in the insert wall w Suspended design allows for undamaged co-culturing of cells in the lower compartment w Available in a range of pore sizes and di ?erent membranes to satisfy diverse experimental requirements Selecting the Right Transwell Membrane and
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- Publié le Aoû 26, 2022
- Catégorie Society and Cultur...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 84.8kB