Tv guide TV Daily showcase of the best programs to watch CINEMA Movie recommendations movie ? s theater schedule CULTURE Cultural events recommendations and listings COOL HUNTING Discover the best places to have fun and go out in Bucharest TV ? CINEMA ? E
TV Daily showcase of the best programs to watch CINEMA Movie recommendations movie ? s theater schedule CULTURE Cultural events recommendations and listings COOL HUNTING Discover the best places to have fun and go out in Bucharest TV ? CINEMA ? EVENTS ? CULTURE ? COOL HUNTING ? GAMES CTV GUIDE PLATFORM WHAT DOES IT MEAN Information oriented TV platform that guides the user trough the multitude of content available on the carrier's video platform ?? TV ?? CINEMA ?? EVENTS ?? CULTURE ?? COOL HUNTING ?? RESTAURANTS ?? BARS ?? GAMES ?? PROMO PLATFORM ?? CARRIER SERVICES SHOWCASE ?? WHITE LABEL FUNCTIONALITY ?? MOBILE VOD RIGHTS CONTENT AGGREGATOR The only content aggregator across all channel Run Promo ? s and Trailer ? s from all TV channels EXCLUSIVE GUIDANCE CONTENT REAL TIME EPG Frame and give context to all video content available on the video platform by building speci ?c productions Always on Electronic Program Guide which presents to the customer what shows are currently running on the platform and what is expected to run in the next hour and a half TV ? CINEMA ? EVENTS ? CULTURE ? COOL HUNTING ? GAMES of CREAL TIME EPG LOOK FEEL Description Always on screen Electronic Program Guide for a quick view of what ? s currently running on the carrier ? s video platform The guide is color coded to the speci ?cs of each show genre as follows blue for general type of shows green for sports red for movies and light blue for series Program listings program listings from now to one hour and a half for all TV channels on the platform Weather report weather report for the top most important cities in Romania Currency exchange rates exchange rates for EURO USD and POUND Promo messages Insert promotional or important messages directly into the EPG TV ? CINEMA ? EVENTS ? CULTURE ? COOL HUNTING ? GAMES of CEXCLUSIVECONTENT Daily recommendations featuring the most interesting TV shows running on the carrier ? s video platform DEMO http www youtube com watch v dtkJ MTGXc TV ? CINEMA ? EVENTS ? CULTURE ? COOL HUNTING ? GAMES of CPROMO TV SHOWS Trailers for TV show ? s that run on the carrier ? s video platform TV ? CINEMA ? EVENTS ? CULTURE ? COOL HUNTING ? GAMES of CVOD RECOMMENDATIONS EXCLUSIVECONTENT Weekly show presenting recommendations for top VOD content available on the carrier ? s platform TV ? CINEMA ? EVENTS ? CULTURE ? COOL HUNTING ? GAMES of CPROMO VOD CONTENT Trailers for VOD content available on the carrier ? s platform TV ? CINEMA ? EVENTS ? CULTURE ? COOL HUNTING ? GAMES of CEXCLUSIVECONTENT Weekly summary of the best movies running in cinema theaters DEMO http www youtube com watch v YS CAMw NxQ TV ? CINEMA ? EVENTS ? CULTURE ? COOL HUNTING ? GAMES of CCINEMA TRAILERS Trailers for movies running at the cinema theaters TV ? CINEMA ? EVENTS ?
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- Publié le Fev 13, 2022
- Catégorie Society and Cultur...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 36.2kB