Inspection guide Mechanical Inspection Guide AUGUST CMechanical Inspection Guide Mechanical Inspection Guide MECHANICAL INSPECTION GUIDE CMechanical Inspection Guide MECHANICAL INSPECTION GUIDE CMechanical Inspection Guide Mechanical Inspection Guide MECH

Mechanical Inspection Guide AUGUST CMechanical Inspection Guide Mechanical Inspection Guide MECHANICAL INSPECTION GUIDE CMechanical Inspection Guide MECHANICAL INSPECTION GUIDE CMechanical Inspection Guide Mechanical Inspection Guide MECHANICAL INSPECTION GUIDE CMechanical Inspection Guide Published by the Quebec Safety League under the supervision of the Société de l ? assurance automobile du Québec which is responsible for the content August Reproduction in whole or in part of this publication and its communication by whatever means is allowed on condition this is strictly for noncommercial ends and the source is clearly indicated ? Société de l ? assurance automobile du Québec Please address suggestions or comments to Service de la sécurité et de l ? ingénierie des véhicules Société de l ? assurance automobile du Québec C P C- - boulevard Jean- Lesage Québec Québec G K J Legal Deposit th quarter Bibliothèque nationale du Québec ISBN ?? - - -X MECHANICAL INSPECTION GUIDE CMechanical Inspection Guide FOREWORD As part of its highway safety mandate the Société de l ? assurance automobile du Québec established a mechanical inspection program for road vehicles The present guide sets forth the inspection procedures and standards applicable to most vehicles Designed as a quick reference tool for mechanics and highway carrier enforcement o ?cers it describes mechanical inspection procedures as well as the minor and major defects most likely to be encountered MECHANICAL INSPECTION The SAAQ has implemented various measures to protect the public against the risks inherent in use of the road one of which is to ensure that vehicles using Québec roads are mechanically safe Therefore certain types of vehicle are required to undergo a sporadic or periodic mechanical inspection The contents of this guide are drawn from the Highway Safety Code and the Regulation respecting safety standards for road vehicles We therefore encourage users to consult the Code and Regulation for all legal questions Limits of the technical appraisal The technical appraisal is a legal requirement It consists of a visual inspection of the components listed in this guide To ?nd out whether your vehicle is mechanically safe we highly recommend that you submit it to a mechanical inspection by your mechanic as well We would like to thank the Direction de la coordination des opérations de contrôle routier and the following associations for their invaluable advice ? Association du camionage du Québec ? Association des propriétaires d ? autobus du Québec ? Association des mandataires en véri ?cation mécanique ? Association du transport écolier du Québec Foreword AVANT-PROPOS MECHANICAL INSPECTION GUIDE CTable of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS General Information Section SUSPENSION Section LIGHTS AND SIGNALS Section BRAKES Headlights lights and re ectors Electric cable plug connection General Information socket battery Parking brake Headlight alignment Hydraulic braking system Anti-lock braking system Section Electromagnetic braking system STEERING SYSTEM Air braking system and components Working order of air braking system General information Working order of mechanical Steering wheel components and air braking system Steering column and slip joint Disc brakes Steering box or rack and pinion Drum

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