Apocrypha 1 1990 pdf C CAPOCRYPHA LE CHAMP DES APOCRYPHES CAPOCRYPHA LE CHAMP DES APOCRYPHES Comite de redaction P Geoltrain E Junod J -C Picard Avec Ia collaboration scienti ?que de I' Association pour I'Etude de Ia Litterature Apocryphe Chretienne A E L
C CAPOCRYPHA LE CHAMP DES APOCRYPHES CAPOCRYPHA LE CHAMP DES APOCRYPHES Comite de redaction P Geoltrain E Junod J -C Picard Avec Ia collaboration scienti ?que de I' Association pour I'Etude de Ia Litterature Apocryphe Chretienne A E L A C CAPOCRYPHA La fable BREPOLS CLA FABLE APOCRYPHE I Sousla direction de Pierre GEOL TRAIN Jean- ClaudePICARD Alain DESREUMAUX Brepols Attribution du n ISSNencours D All rights reserved No part of this publication maybe reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic mechanical photocopying recording or otherwise without the prior permissionof the publisher CAPOCRYPHA LE CHAMP DES APOCRYPHES Apocryphal writings havelong beenconsideredinferior literary productswhich onejudged by their relationshipto canonicalornormative writings Theyhavenot yet reallyfound their place assubjects ofscienti ?c study Despiteperiodic interestfrom specialistsof severaldisciplines theyhaveremained for the scholarlyworld asa whole marginal little known and unexploitedby historians ofthe societiesthatproducedthem Today therenewal ofanthropological linguistic and historical methodsallows theformulation ofnewapproaches to thephenomenare ected in the apocryphal writings Apocryphal biblical traditions o ?er an exceptional opportunity for research Isolated as an object for the erudition of Western knowledgesincetheXVIth century theyhavebecomeduring thelast thirty years the object of studies by large international and interdisciplinary teamswith renewedperspectives Apocrypha -Le Champ desApocryphes will bepublished annually andaims to o ?er aforumfor expressione xchangeandconfrontation for all those wishing to transform the old object of erudition into a newsubjectfor historical reconstruction Already several main orientations are clear -the study of the production transmission and transformation of biblical apocrypha of Jewish and Christian origins from Antiquity to the Middle Ages provided that there isa wish to escapethefascination exercised by the ideology of original text and traditional models of literary genres ' -the exploration of the wealth of ethnographical informations contained in the apocryphal traditions reclassi ?ed according to time milieus ofproduction and usageand in the light of the cultural and linguistic contexts that have fostered the diverse collections ' -the rediscovery of the heritage of the apocrypha the history of which will aid in gaining a better grasp on the nature of this singular literary phenomenon ' C-lastly the history ofcollectionsoftextsandthehistoryofresearch Epistemologicalprejudiceshavelong beenaccumulated Theyhave no doubt made the apocryphaseemstrangeobjectsfor four centuries Apocryphal literaturehasbeenburied like treasuresin thevastexpansesof literature and imagination elaboratedand transmittedby numerousJewishcommunitiesand Christianmilieus ofAsia Africa andEuropefor two thousandyears thesetreasureswill bereexposed in Apocrypha -Le ChampdesApocryphes Thisnewjournal will be written by scholars ofdi ?erent ?elds who want to participate in this communaltask to reestablishthe real contours of apocryphal collections to sketch the real nature of these monuments Apocryphal literaturehasshapedfor a long time imagination mentality and modes of life of so manysocietiesand cultures CAPOCRYPHA LE CHAMP DES APOCRYPHES Longtemps considerees comme des sous-produits litteraires que l'on jugeait d'abord par rapport aux ecrits canoniques ou normatifs les litteratures apocryphes n'ont pas encore vraiment trouve leur statut d'objet scienti ?que Aux epoques memes oil des specialistes de diverses disciplines ont manifeste pour elles un immense interet les litteratures apocryphes sont demeurees pour l'ensemble du monde savant des lEuvres marginales assezmal connues et surtout peu exploitees par les historiens des societes
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- Publié le Sep 03, 2022
- Catégorie Business / Finance
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 963.6kB