Nsa complete gun guide aug 2007

NSA GUN GUIDE Step-by-Step Guide to Apply for Firearm Licences under Act of A Publication of The National Shooting Association PO Box Hatfield Pretoria www natshoot co za August ii Copyright Notice All rights reserved No part of this publication may be copied scanned reproduced or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic mechanical photocopying recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the General Manager of the National Shooting Association - - IN NO EVENT WILL THE EDITOR AUTHORS CONTRIBUTORS OR PUBLISHERS OR THE NATIONAL SHOOTING ASSOCIATION BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL INCIDENTAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES INCLUDING PHYSICAL INJURY DAMAGES FROM LOSS OF PROPERTY LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS BUSINESS INTERRUPTION AND SUCH LIKE WHATSOEVER ARISING FROM THE USE OR APPLICATION OF INFORMATION PROVIDED OR WITHHELD IN THIS MANUAL iii ABBREVIATIONS ACT FCA The Firearms Control Act Act of as amended CFR Central Firearms Registry also referred to in the ACT as the Registrar DFO Designated Firearms Officer in a specific area i e Brooklyn Pretoria or Centurion SASSETA The Sector Education and Training Authority SEAT responsible for Safety and Security ?? also the SETA responsible for managing the compilation of Unit Standards for firearms licensing and for awarding of Proficiency certificates once you have completed your training with a training provider RPL Recognition of Prior Learning ?? a term used in the national qualifications framework denoting the acknowledgement of appropriate knowledge which a learner has prior to enrolling for a specific unit standard SABS South African Bureau of Standards SAPS South African Police Services SAQA South African Qualifications Authority ?? set-up in terms of the South African Qualifications Authority Act Act of and responsible to manage the creation and implementation of education and skills training standards in all spheres throughout the country SETA Sector Education and Training Authority ?? set-up in terms of the Skills Development Act Act of US Unit Standard ?? a standardized ??module ? for training in a specific field which has been registered with and approved by SAQA iv CONTENTS INTRODUCTION THE GUN GUIDE OBJECTIVES OF THE GUN GUIDE FIREARM LICENCES AND GUN OWNERS LICENCE TO POSSESS A FIREARM Additional Licences License To Possess A Firearm For Self-Defence License To Possess A Firearm For Occasional Hunting And Or Sports--Shooting Dedicated Hunter And Or Dedicated Sports Person Sport-Shooting Temporary Authorisation To Possess A Firearm PROFICIENCY Renewal Of Firearm Licences Licensing A New Firearm Recognition Of Prior Learning COMPETENCY Important Exception SAPS FORMS NEEDED FOR LICENSING APPLICATIONS DO ? S AND DON ? TS GUIDELINES FOR APPLICATION Guidelines Checklist LICENCE APPLICATION NOT SUCCESSFUL - WHAT NOW Appeal Procedures Composition Of Appeal Board FIREARMS IN DEATH AND INSOLVENT ESTATES FIREARM FREE ZONES TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS FIREARMS AND ISSUES OF CRIMINAL LAW Shooting In Self Defence Making A Citizen ? s Arrest ADMINISTRATIVE JUSTICE AND YOUR RIGHTS INTRODUCTION This GUN GUIDE TO LICENCE RENEWAL tells you what you must know what you must do and how to renew the licences

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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise
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  • Publié le Aoû 20, 2021
  • Catégorie Travel / Voayage
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 53.2kB