Running training guide Running Training Guide One size fits all Before we get started it ? s important to point out that there is no such thing as a training plan that is right for everybody Your age current fitness levels performance aspirations and avai

Running Training Guide One size fits all Before we get started it ? s important to point out that there is no such thing as a training plan that is right for everybody Your age current fitness levels performance aspirations and available time will all have an impact on when and how you should train ?? so the best approach is for us to give you some general guidelines and sample training plans and then let you adapt things to suit your own specific requirements We are going to start with some basic training concepts which all training plans should adhere to so that when you start modifying the example training plans you know what you are doing Rule ?? warm up stretch run warm down stretch If you haven ? t already read the doitforcharity com stretching guide then please do so ?? it is reprinted at the end of this training guide for your convenience It will tell you that before doing any exercise you should stretch ?? and that before doing any stretching you should do a light warm-up You should NEVER stretch cold muscles and you should NEVER run without warming up and stretching If you are short for time and eager to get out on the road just consider how much lost time an injury is going to cost you Not only will you have to wait weeks to recover from the injury you will have gone backwards during this time due to not being able to train Additionally after your run if you stop running abruptly waste products will build up in your muscles leading to stiffness and discomfort So after your run you should warm down with a light jog and stretch once more This simple ? boring ? advice will keep you on the road and training towards your goals and reward you with a much more pleasant and injury-free training experience Rule ?? take rest days Question Answer Which of the following achieves the most in terms of improving your performance levels a mile training run or the rest day after a mile training run The rest day after a mile training run Simply put you receive the benefit from any physical exercise in the recovery period after that exercise As evolution has shown us our bodies adapt to our environment and therefore when you place a strain on your body lifting weights going for a run etc your body will adapt to that strain by becoming stronger in anticipation of being placed under the same strain again But your body needs rest to repair tiny muscle tears and make the muscles stronger ?? and therefore one of the most important parts of your training plan is going to be regular rest days On these days you should always take the opportunity to do a light warm up and stretch so that you stay supple in preparation for the next phase of your training plan Rule ?? hard then easy This

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  • Détails
  • Publié le Jui 02, 2022
  • Catégorie Travel / Voayage
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 20.9kB