Sasseta sdf guide SASSETA SDF GUIDE SECTOR GUIDE APRIL ?? MARCH Enquiries Skills Planning and Research Skills Planning Practitioner Maki Modipane rmodipane sasseta org za Administrator Stancilla Freese General Enquiries sfreese sasseta org za Call Centre

SASSETA SDF GUIDE SECTOR GUIDE APRIL ?? MARCH Enquiries Skills Planning and Research Skills Planning Practitioner Maki Modipane rmodipane sasseta org za Administrator Stancilla Freese General Enquiries sfreese sasseta org za Call Centre www sasseta org za callcentre sasseta org za Contents Foreword Purpose of this Sector Guide SASSETA Section Scarce and Top Up Skills Scarce Skills Top Up Skills Section Mandatory Grant Applications Guidelines for allocation of mandatory grants Guidelines for completing the WSP Guidelines for completing the ATR The role of the Skills Development Facilitator SDF Section Appendices Appendix A SASSETA Qualifications Learnerships Appendix B Learning Programme Type Matrix Notes - - FOREWORD SASSETA SDF GUIDE Purpose of this Sector Guide The purpose of this sector guide is to assist the South African School leavers to find a career where demand exists within the Safety and Security Sector of South Africa Tertiary graduates with the further development of their skills Unemployed persons to assess the career possibilities available within the Safety and Security sector and what skills are seen by potential employers to be scarce Employees to assess what skills are seen by employers in the industry require top up to the occupation Employers and Skills Development Facilitators SDFs to assess the extent to which various occupations suffer scarce skills and what skills the sector perceives to be critical Skills Development training providers to determine where the needs of the sector ? s employers are in terms of occupations that are proving difficult to fill and what training programmes they should produce to address the need to further skills development within employees SASSETA SASSETA is an acronym that stands for Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority It is a public enterprise that reports to the Department of Higher Education and Training and its primary role is to stimulate and facilitate skills development in the SAFETY AND SECURITY SECTOR in South Africa The SASSETA is one of SETAs in South Africa The details of the other Setas can be obtained from the Department of Labour website www labour gov za SECTION SCARCE AND TOP UP SKILLS Scarce and Top Up Skills Scarce Skills refer to occupations in which there is a scarcity of qualified and experienced people currently or anticipated in the future either a because such skilled people are not available or b they are available but do not meet employment criteria Scarcity can arise as a result of absolute scarcity and or relative scarcity Absolute scarcity refers to when suitable people are not available at all - Examples A new or emerging occupation people have chosen not to pursue training or careers in the occupation Relative scarcity occurs when suitably qualified people are available but do not meet other employment criteria - Examples People are unwilling to work outside of urban areas geographical location there are a few candidates with the requisite skills qualifications and experience from the designated groups available to meet the skills requirements of the organizations equity considerations or there are people

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  • Publié le Oct 29, 2022
  • Catégorie Travel / Voayage
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 37kB