A buyer x27 s guide to data loss protection solutions

? Websense Inc All rights reserved Websense is a registered trademark of Websense Inc in the United States and certain international markets Websense has numerous other registered and unregistered trademarks in the United States and internationally All other trademarks are the property of their respective owner A Buyer's Guide to Data Loss Protection Solutions Table of Contents Policy Definition Detection Incident Response Role Based Administration Network Monitoring Web Security Email Security Data Discovery Endpoint A Buyer's Guide to Data Loss Protection Solutions Data loss prevention DLP solutions are designed to prevent the inadvertent loss or deliberate removal of sensitive and confidential information Organizations commonly use them to secure communication channels such as email to ensure employees do not send sensitive information to unauthorized recipients However with the increasing use of Web applications and a growing mobile workforce conducting business on portable devices like laptops with their potential for theft and loss effective DLP solutions must be able to provide coverage for a wide range of communication channels To achieve this goal a DLP solution must at a minimum include Web email and endpoints or laptops among the communication channels it can secure If necessary it must also be able to block transmission of data on these channels Managing separate policies for each of these channels can quickly become cumbersome A DLP solution should be able to provide policy management and reporting capabilities that administrators can easily extend to support several channels from a single policy One of the most common drivers for deployment of a DLP solution is the need to meet regulatory compliance Organizations with this need will benefit greatly from a solution that comes with pre-built templates covering various regulations The solution should also be customizable so that organizations can tailor their built-in policy based on their specific regional or industry requirements This guide provides a list of recommended features and capabilities for buyers to consider when purchasing a DLP solution Buyers can also use this guide to develop requests for proposals as well as to help differentiate one vendor ? s products from another during demonstrations and proof-of-concepts Policy Definition An effective DLP solution makes it easy for organizations to define their DLP policies so they can more easily meet their compliance requirements Here are some capabilities to consider ? Policy types that include not just keywords and regular expressions but also dictionaries and the ability to articulate context as well as content e g when a name is found near a valid credit card number for greater accuracy ? Built in policies for multiple industries and geographies that users can access use and apply simultaneously e g health care and Insurance policies to facilitate compliance ? A single policy to scan data wherever it is stored transmitted or used both on the network and on the endpoint ensuring consistent coverage ? A centralized interface for policy editing and policy management across all components across monitoring and prevention and across network and endpoint which simplifies and streamlines

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  • Publié le Jui 24, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 133kB