Ariane user guide Ariane USER GUIDE June This document has been prepared for the users of Ariane c ? Bureau Veritas and deals with the use of the software Research Department BUREAU VERITAS Neuilly-sur-Seine Cedex Tel - Fa x - Ariane c ? BV - is distribut

Ariane USER GUIDE June This document has been prepared for the users of Ariane c ? Bureau Veritas and deals with the use of the software Research Department BUREAU VERITAS Neuilly-sur-Seine Cedex Tel - Fa x - Ariane c ? BV - is distributed by Bureau Veritas First Printing December Revised June c ? Bureau Veritas Contact Cédric Brun Damien Coache Yann Giorgiutti Romain Anne email ariane veristar bureauveritas com Contents Introduction I Getting started Minimum requirements Installation procedure Ariane setup Ariane launching License setting FlexLm USB Dongle Nodelock License con ?guration Server License con ?guration Update projects to the Ariane format II Inputs Main interface Description Menu bar File menu Con ?guration menu Tools menu Help menu Tool bar Automatic saving Creating a new project Tree Status bar -Bureau Veritas Marine Department- -iv CONTENTS Information log Ariane axis systems Global axis system Local axis system Vessels page Vessel choice Description of the vessel geometry Three dimensions visualization De ?nition of a vessel mesh Vessel main particulars de ?nition Turrets de ?nition Fairleads de ?nition Control points de ?nition Fenders attach points de ?nition Thrusters de ?nition Loading Case Vessel ? s data Added mass Damping Response Amplitude Operators Quadratic Transfer Functions Complete Quadratic Transfer Functions Cross waves full QTF Wind and current coe cients forces External loads First order loads Imposed motions Symmetrise inputs Load a complete hydrodynamic data ?le Export hydrodynamic data ?le Add loading cases to a vessel Export import vessels Lines store page Segmented line Creating a line De ?ning the segments length De ?ning the segment type De ?ning the segment properties Modifying the line -Ariane User Guide- CONTENTS -v Tabulated Line Creating a line Point properties Fenders characteristic Export import a line store Lines summary Environment store page Create an environment Environment de ?nition Wave de ?nition Wind de ?nition Current de ?nition Graph zone Creating an environment batch ?le Easy generation of environment batch ?les Environment batch ?le example Keywords of an environment batch ?le Order of the spectrum parameters Export import an environment store Mooring system Site Mooring zone Plane seabed de ?nition Vessels settings Anchors settings Anchor creation Anchor modi ?cation Lines settings Create a mooring line Lines modi ?cation Ilines generator Fender settings Mooring System Text summary Text or Excel summary Export Diodore line characteristics -Bureau Veritas Marine Department- -vi CONTENTS Line setup Line pro ?le Line pro ?le calculation Line pro ?le display Line characteristic display Line pro ?le characteristic dialog Buoys and sinkers Buoys Sinkers Seabed Line control points III Calculation Static analysis Setup initial position SINGLE Rig move SINGLE Equilibrium analysis SINGLE State of the lines Equilibrium position under mooring loads only Equilibrium position under environmental conditions Equilibrium position under the action of thrusters Equilibrium position under the action of external loads Imposed o set BATCH Equilibrium Analysis BATCH With constant loads With environmental loads Sti ness matrix Time domain simulation Single time domain simulation Lines activity Simulation parameters Environmental loads Calculation options Output options TDS simulation

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  • Publié le Jan 14, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 14.8MB