Bibliography 2023 03 29T061143 240

? To learn how to write a correct bibliography for ?? Books ?? Magazines ?? Encyclopedias ?? Internet Sources ?? Interviews Here is an example of a Bibliography for a book Goldman Daniel The Life of Michael Jordan New York Bantam Last name First name Name of book City of publication Publisher ? s name year Book Title Author INSIDE City of Publication Publisher ? s name year of Publication Schell Michael J Baseball ? s All - Time Bibliography Best Hitters New York Bantam Q uic kT ime and a T IF F Uncompress ed decompr essor ar e need ed t o s ee t his pict ure Here is an example of a Bibliography for an Encyclopedia ??White Tiger ? Encyclopedia Britannica ed ??Article Title ? Name of Encyclopedia year edition Title of Encyclopedia The edition is found somewhere on the cover or spine The article title is found with in the encyclopedia Bibliography ??Star Wars ? Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ed Q uic kT ime and a T IF F Uncompress ed decompr essor ar e need ed t o s ee t his pict ure Q uic kT ime and a T IF F Uncompress ed decompr essor ar e need ed t o s ee t his pict ure Here is an example of a Bibliography for an internet source Bullock Debbie ??Research on the White Tiger ? Nueva Library Last Name First Name ??Title ? Group Title date month year Help Apr Nueva School Mar http nuevaschool org -debbie library research tiger html Institution date month year website Date you viewed the website Date site was last updated Here is an example of a Bibliography for a magazine article ??Price Sean ??Hunting Spiders ? Kids Discover Spider Feb Last Name First Name ??Title of Article ? Name of Magazine date - month year volume number Pages Name of the magazine Date The name of the author the title of the article and the page numbers are found within the article while volume is usually on the cover or the spine of the magazine Bibliography Walters John ??A Child ? s World ? LIFE Feb - Q uic kT ime and a T IF F Uncompress ed decompr essor ar e need ed t o s ee t his pict ure Here is an example of a Bibliography for an interview Goodman Mary Personal interview Sept Last Name First Name Personal Telephone interview date month year Be sure to indent spaces when a citation continues onto a second until the end of the citation and always end citations with a period Place citations in alphabetical order by the first word of each citation When information needed for the citation is missing just leave the missing information out and continue with the next part of the citation Take out a piece of paper and use the information provided to write a proper bibliography for this source Just click on the mouse to reveal the correct

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  • Publié le Fev 11, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
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