Certification guide 2 SALESFORCE MADE SIMPLE A GUIDE TO CERTIFICATION PATHS Salesforce ?CertiScation ?is ?the ?ultimate ?benchmark ?that ?recognizes ?the ?skills ? expertise ?and ?real-world ?know-how ?of ?today ? s ?cloud ?specialists ?Are ?you ?an ? Adm

SALESFORCE MADE SIMPLE A GUIDE TO CERTIFICATION PATHS Salesforce ?CertiScation ?is ?the ?ultimate ?benchmark ?that ?recognizes ?the ?skills ? expertise ?and ?real-world ?know-how ?of ?today ? s ?cloud ?specialists ?Are ?you ?an ? Administrator ?who ?keeps ?Salesforce ?running ?smoothly ?or ?Developer ?who ? builds ?new ?apps ?to ?customize ?and ?extend ?capabilities ?Perhaps ?you ? re ?an ? Implementation ?Expert ?or ?Marketing ?Specialist ?responsible ?for ?ensur- ing ?the ?right ?solutions ?are ?deployed ?for ?maximum ?efectiveness ?Or ? are ?you ?an ?Architect ?who ?masterminds ?high-performance ?techni- cal ?frameworks Whatever ?your ?role ?achieving ?your ?goals ?starts ?with ?getting ? Salesforce ?CertiSed ?This ?guide ?will ?help ?you ?get ?there START ?HERE ?GO ?ANYWHERE ROLES CERTIFICATIONS Training ? resources Commerce Cloud Digital Developer Platform Developer I Platform Developer II certification ?tracks Administrator Advanced Administrator Platform App Builder C omm unity Cloud C onsultant F ield Ser vice Ligh tning C onsultan t Mark eting Cloud C onsultant P ar do t C onsultan t Sales Cloud C onsultant Ser vice Cloud C onsultant Commerce Cloud Digital Developer Platform Developer I Platform Developer II CPQ Specialist Marketing Cloud Email Specialist Marketing Cloud Social Specialist Pardot Specialist Application Architect Data Architecture and Management Designer Development Lifecycle and Deployment Designer Identity and Access Management Designer Integration Architecture Designer Mobile Solutions Architecture Designer Sharing and Visibility Designer System Architect Technical Architect C O N S U L T A N T S S P E C I A L I S T S A D M I N I S T R A T O R S A P P B U I L D E R S A R C H I T E C T S D E V E L O P E R S A D M I N I S T R A T O R S ADMINISTRATOR TRACK CERTIFICATION PATH E X AM OVERVIER RELATED CERTIFICATIONS UNDERSTAND THE BASICS STA RT SHARPEN YOUR SKILLSPREP AND STUDYGET CERTIFIED Add to your skill set ? Take Administration Essentials for New Admins ADM or Administration Essentials for New Admins Plus Certification ADM C or Administration Essentials for New Admins Evening Course ADM E ? Tap into these digital learning courses Get ready for your exam ? Take Certification Preparation for Administrator CRT ? Download the Certification Exam Guide Recommended Salesforce Experience T ime Commitment Instructor-Led Classes Trailhead - M O N T H S - HRS The Salesforce Certified Administrator exam is intended for an individual who has experience performing as a Salesforce Administrator ADMINISTRATOR Here are examples of the concepts you should understand to pass the exam ? Managing users data and security ? Maintaining and customizing Sales Cloud and Service Cloud apps ? Building reports dashboards and workflows Certified Administrator None Certified Advanced Administrator Certified Platform App Builder Learn at your own pace ? Use our self-guided resources ? Join our Success Community PREREQUISITE CERTIFICATIONS Digital Learning Courses ADMINISTRATOR TRACK E X AM OVERVIER RELATED CERTIFICATIONS UNDERSTAND THE BASICS STA RT SHARPEN YOUR SKILLSPREP

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  • Publié le Oct 05, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 7.2MB