RIGOL Programming Guide DG1000 Series Dual-Channel Function/Arbitrary Waveform
RIGOL Programming Guide DG1000 Series Dual-Channel Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator Jan. 2014 RIGOL Technologies, Inc. RIGOL Programming Guide for DG1000 I Guaranty and Declaration Copyright ©2009 RIGOL Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Trademark Information RIGOL is a registered trademark of RIGOL Technologies, Inc. Publication Number PGB06109-1110 Notices RIGOL products are protected by patent law in and outside of P.R. China. RIGOL reserves the right to modify or change part of or all the specifications and pricing policies at company’s sole decision. Information in this publication replaces all previously corresponding material. RIGOL shall not be liable for losses caused by either incidental or consequential in connection with the furnishing, use or performance of this manual as well as any information contained. Any part of this document is forbidden to be copied, photocopied or rearranged without prior written approval of RIGOL. Product Certification RIGOL guarantees this product conforms to the national and industrial standards in China as well as the ISO9001:2008 standard and the ISO14001:2004 standard. Other international standard conformance certification is in progress. Contact Us If you have any problem or requirement when using our products or this manual, please contact RIGOL. E-mail: service@rigol.com Website: www.rigol.com RIGOL Programming Guide for DG1000 II Structure of this Document Chapter 1 Programming Overview This chapter introduces how to programme DG1000 generator using commands and how to input the commands in right format. Chapter 2 DG1000 Command System This chapter gives detailed information of each command supported by DG1000, including command syntax, function description, considerations when using command as well as some application examples. Chapter 3 Application Examples This chapter shows you how to realize the examples in DG1000 User’s Guide via commands. Appendix: Commands Reference A-Z The Appendix lists all the commands alphabetically in favor of quick reference. Note: DG1000 series Dual-channel Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator includes DG1022 and DG1022A. In this manual, DG1022 is taken as an example to illustrate the command system and its using method. RIGOL Programming Guide for DG1000 III Table of Contents Guaranty and Declaration .......................................................................... I Chapter 1 Programming Overview ......................................................... 1-1 Communication Interfaces ........................................................................ 1-2 Commands Introduction ........................................................................... 1-3 Command Syntax .............................................................................. 1-3 Symbol Description ........................................................................... 1-4 Parameter Type ................................................................................ 1-5 Command Abbreviation ..................................................................... 1-6 Chapter 2 DG1000 Command System .................................................... 2-1 IEEE 488.2 ............................................................................................. 2-2 APPLy ..................................................................................................... 2-3 FUNCtion ................................................................................................ 2-9 FREQuency ........................................................................................... 2-15 VOLTage ............................................................................................... 2-19 OUTPut ................................................................................................ 2-24 PULSe .................................................................................................. 2-28 AM ....................................................................................................... 2-31 FM ....................................................................................................... 2-34 PM ....................................................................................................... 2-37 FSKey................................................................................................... 2-40 SWEep ................................................................................................. 2-43 TRIGger ............................................................................................... 2-45 BURSt .................................................................................................. 2-48 DATA.................................................................................................... 2-52 MEMory ................................................................................................ 2-56 SYSTem ................................................................................................ 2-59 PHASe .................................................................................................. 2-62 DISPlay ................................................................................................ 2-64 COUPling .............................................................................................. 2-65 COUNter ............................................................................................... 2-68 Chapter 3 Application Examples ............................................................. 3-1 Example 1: To Generate a Sine Wave ........................................................ 3-2 Example 2: To Generate a Built-in Arbitrary Wave ....................................... 3-3 Example 3: To Generate an User-defined Arbitrary Wave ............................. 3-4 RIGOL Programming Guide for DG1000 IV Example 4: To Generate a FSK Wave ......................................................... 3-6 Example 5: To Generate a Linear Sweep Wave ........................................... 3-7 Example 6: To Generate a Burst Wave ....................................................... 3-8 Example 7: To Output Waves via Dual Channels ......................................... 3-9 Example 8: Channel Coupling .................................................................. 3-10 Example 9: Channel Copy ....................................................................... 3-11 Appendix: Commands Reference A-Z ........................................................ 1 Programming Overview RIGOL Programming Guide for DG1000 1-1 Chapter 1 Programming Overview This chapter introduces how to programme DG1000 series Dual-channel function/arbitrary waveform generator using commands and how to input commands in right format. This chapter contains the following sections: Communication Interfaces Commands Introduction Command Syntax Symbol Description Parameter Type Command Abbreviation RIGOL Programming Overview Programming Guide for DG1000 1-2 Communication Interfaces Computers communicate with the generator by sending and receiving commands over USB interface. Command is sended and identified in the form of ASCII character strings for users to easily control the generator and do user-defined development. Operations that you can do with a computer and a generator include: Set the generator. Output waveforms from the generator. Connection: Please connect the USB Device port at the rear panel of DG1000 with the corresponding USB interface on the computer using an USB cable. Programming Overview RIGOL Programming Guide for DG1000 1-3 Commands Introduction Command Syntax The command systems of DG1000 present a hierarchy structure (tree system) and each command consists of a “Root” keyword and one or multiple sub-keywords. The keywords are separated by ":" and are followed by the parameter settings available, "?" is added at the end of the command string to indicate query and the command and parameter are separated by "space". For example, FUNCtion:SQUare:DCYCle {<percent>|MINimum|MAXimum} FUNCtion:SQUare:DCYCle? [MINimum|MAXimum] FUNCtion is the root keyword of the commmand, SQUare and DCYCle are the second-level and third-level keywords respectively, all the keywords are separated by “:”. <percent> denotes the parameter that users can set; “?” denotes query; the command FUNCtion:SQUare:DCYCle and parameter are separated by “space”. “,” is usually used to compart multiple parameters existed in one command, for example, DATA VOLATILE,<value>,<value>, . . . RIGOL Programming Overview Programming Guide for DG1000 1-4 Symbol Description Following symbols are usually used to assist to explain the parameters containd in a command. 1. Braces { } The options enclosed in a { } are parameters available in the command. Only one option could be selected every time, and all the options are separated by “|”. For example, {ON|OFF} indicateds that ON or OFF can be selected. 2. Square Brackets [ ] The content in square brackets is optional and could be omitted, but could be executed regardless whether it is omitted. For example, DATA:COPY <destination arb name>[,VOLATILE] This command copys the wave from volatile memory to the specified nonvolatile memory. Wherein, [,VOLATILE] could be omitted. 3. Triangle Brackets < > The parameter enclosed in < > must be replaced by an effective value. For example, DISPlay:CONTRAST <value> wherein, <value> must be a numerical value, such as: DISPlay:CONTRAST 25 Programming Overview RIGOL Programming Guide for DG1000 1-5 Parameter Type The commands contain 5 kinds of parameters, different parameters have different setting methods. 1. Boolean Parameters The parameters could be “OFF” or “ON” (“0” or “1”), for example, AM:STATE {OFF|ON} “OFF” denotes disabling AM function. “On” denotes enabling AM function. 2. Consecutive Integer Parameters The parameters could be a consecutive integer, for example, DISPlay:CONTRAST <value> <value> could be any integer between 0 and 31(including 0 and 31). 3. Consecutive Real Number Parameters The parameters could be any value within the effective range and with the required precision, for example, FREQuency {<frequency>|MINimum|MAXimum} For sine wave, <frequency> could be any real number between 1uHz and 20MHz. 4. Discrete Parameters The parameters could be a cited value, for example, MEMory:STATe:NAME? {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10} The parameter could only be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9 or 10. 5. ASCII Character String The parameters should be the combinations of ASCII characters, for example, DATA:COPY <destination arb name>[,VOLATILE] <destination arb name> is a character string defined by user. RIGOL Programming Overview Programming Guide for DG1000 1-6 Command Abbreviation All the commands are case-insensitive, so you can use any kind of them. But if abbreviation is used, all the capital letters specified in commands must be written completely. For example, FUNCtion:SQUare:DCYCle? also can be: FUNC:SQU:DCYC? or func:squ:dcyc? DG1000 Command System RIGOL Programming Guide for DG1000 2-1 Chapter 2 DG1000 Command System This chapter gives detailed information of each command supported by DG1000, including command syntax, function description, using considerations as well as some application examples. DG1000 contains following command sub-systems: IEEE 488.2 APPLy FUNCtion FREQuency VOLTage OUTPut PULSe AM FM PM FSKey SWEep TRIGger BURSt DATA MEMory SYSTem PHASe DISPlay COUPling COUNter RIGOL DG1000 Command System Programming Guide for DG1000 2-2 IEEE 488.2 IEEE standard defines some common commands for querying basic instrument information or executing basic operations. These commands usually begin with “*” and hold 3-character long command keyword. DG1000 supports following IEEE488.2 commands: 1. *IDN? 1. *IDN? Syntax *IDN? Function Query ID character string of instrument. Return Value The query returns 4 character segments separated by commas “,”: manufacterer, model, serial number and the edition number that consists of numbers separated by “.” . For example, RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES,DG1022,DG1D100, DG1000 Command System RIGOL Programming Guide for DG1000 2-3 APPLy APPLy commands are used to quickly set the output waveforms of DG1000 and provide the most straightforward method to program the generator over remote interface. DG1000 supports following APPLy commands: 1. APPLy:SINusoid 2. APPLy:SQUare 3. APPLy:RAMP 4. APPLy:PULSe 5. APPLy:NOISe 6. APPLy:DC 7. APPLy:USER 8. APPLy? 9. APPLy:SINusoid:CH2 10. APPLy:SQUare:CH2 11. APPLy:RAMP:CH2 12. APPLy:PULSe:CH2 13. APPLy:NOISe:CH2 14. APPLy:DC:CH2 15. APPLy:USER:CH2 16. APPLy:CH2? RIGOL DG1000 Command System Programming Guide for DG1000 2-4 Detailed information of each command: 1. APPLy:SINusoid Syntax APPLy:SINusoid [<frequency>[,<amplitude>[,<offset>]]] Function Generate a sine wave with specific frequency, amplitude and DC offset via CH1. Explanations If the parameters you set are less than three, the sequence would be: <frequency>, <amplitude>, <offset>. The default units uploads/s1/ dg1000-programming-guide.pdf
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