EVALUATION GUIDE FOR PREQUALIFICATION AND BIDDING UNDER JBIC ODA LOANS Procurement of Goods and Services (except Consulting Services) Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) June 2000 (Amended in January 2007) i Preface This Evaluation Guide has been prepared by Japan Bank for International Cooperation, hereinafter and throughout these documents referred to as JBIC, for use by the Borrowers of JBIC ODA Loans (The term “Borrower” as used in this document also refers to the Executing Agency of a project financed by JBIC ODA Loans.) in the evaluation of prequalifications and bids, in accordance with the provisions of Guidelines for Procurement under JBIC ODA Loans, dated October 1999 (hereinafter called Procurement Guidelines). This document is intended specifically for assisting the Borrowers in the evaluation of prequalifications and bids procured through International Competitive Bidding (ICB), as well as bids through Limited International Bidding (LIB). It should also prove useful, with appropriate modifications, to the Borrowers for bid evaluation under Local Competitive Bidding (LCB) procedures. Its use is encouraged as the procedures it incorporates have been developed through broad international experience and practice and it complies with Procurement Guidelines. In case of ambiguities or discrepancies between this Evaluation Guide and the provisions of the Loan Agreement or the provisions of the prequalification / bidding documents, the provisions of the Loan Agreement or the prequalification / bidding documents prevail over the Evaluation Guide. It should be noted that, in accordance with the conditions of the Loan Agreement, JBIC is authorized to publish a description of the contract, the names and nationalities of the bidders, the bid prices, the name and nationality of the contract awardee and the contract price. Permissions from the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank to use its standard evaluation forms and guides for prequalification and bidding as the bases for this Evaluation Guide is herewith acknowledged. All users are invited to submit comments on their experience with this Evaluation Guide to: Procurement Policy and Supervision Division Project Development Department Japan Bank for International Cooperation 4-1, Ohtemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8144, Japan Telephone: +81 3 5218-9611 Facsimile: +81 3 5218-9640 URL: http://www.jbic.go.jp E-mail: pdds@jbic.go.jp ii January 2007 amendment This amendment dated January 2007 has been made in light of the present operational policy of JBIC on the evaluation of prequalification and bid, and for clarity of the Evaluation Guide to promote a better understanding. In addition, Sample Forms for Prequalification Evaluation Report are incorporated and some editorial corrections are made. iii Table of Contents Preface ............................................................................................................................i January 2007 amendment..............................................................................................ii How to Use This Guide............................................................................................................1 Section I. Evaluation Principles ............................................................................................3 Section II. Prequalification Evaluation ................................................................................6 Section III. Bid Evaluation .................................................................................................11 GENERAL...................................................................................................................11 BID EVALUATION PROCEDURE 1. Basic Information and Bidding Process ..................................................................13 2. Preliminary Examination of Bids ............................................................................15 3. Determination of Substantial Responsiveness.........................................................17 4. Detailed Examination of Bids .................................................................................20 5. Determination of Award..........................................................................................25 Annex I. Prequalification Evaluation Report Sample Forms. ......................................29 Table 1. Identification ................................................................................................34 Table 2. Prequalification Process ...............................................................................35 Table 3. Preliminary Pass-Fail Examination of Applicant.........................................36 Table 4. Qualification Evaluation Summary..............................................................37 Table 5. Proposed Prequalification Decision .............................................................39 Annex I-1. Prequalification Evaluation Summary Checklist...........................................40 Annex II. Bid Evaluation Report Sample Forms ............................................................41 Table 1. Identification ................................................................................................46 Table 2. Bidding Process............................................................................................47 Table 3. Bid Submission and Opening.......................................................................48 Table 4. Bid Prices (as Read Out) ..............................................................................49 Table 5. Preliminary Examination..............................................................................50 Table 6. Corrections and Unconditional Discounts....................................................51 Table 7. Exchange Rates ............................................................................................52 Table 8. Currency Conversion ...................................................................................53 Table 9. Additions, Adjustments, and Priced Deviations...........................................54 Table 10. Proposed Contract Award ..........................................................................55 Annex II-1. Bid Opening Checklist.....................................................................................56 Annex II-2. Preliminary Examination................................................................................57 Annex II-3. Bid Evaluation Summary Checklist...............................................................58 How to Use This Guide 1 How to Use This Guide 1. The evaluation guide and forms contained in this document provide typical organizational structures and step-by-step procedures for the evaluation of prequalification and bids solicited through ICB. In all instances, the procedures of prequalification and bidding, including evaluation, shall follow the Instructions to Applicants (ITA) for prequalification and the Instructions to Bidders (ITB) for bidding of the actual prequalification / bidding documents used. 2. JBIC issued Sample Prequalification Documents (SPD) and Sample Bidding Documents (SBD) which are encouraged to be used by the Borrowers in conducting Prequalification and ICB procedures under JBIC ODA loans. The following SPD and SBD are currently available1 (a) Prequalification (PQ) (b) Procurement of Goods (Goods) (c) Procurement of Civil Works (Works) (d) Procurement of Civil Works – Smaller Contracts (Small Works) (e) Supply and Installation of Plant and Equipment (Plant) 3. The guide and sample forms in this document are based on ITA in the SPD and ITB in the SBD. 4. Readers are expected to note that evaluation and the resulting report need not necessarily be lengthy. Procurement of ordinary goods can usually be quickly and easily evaluated. In general, the complexity of the evaluation lies with larger civil works and with the supply and installation of industrial plants and equipment. The Evaluation Report should accompany the forms, attached in Annex I and Annex II, but they may be modified to suit specific requirements of the prequalification / bidding documents. The report should include a number of attachments to explain details of the evaluation of prequalification and bid or to show specific controversial wording or numbers in an application and a bid. Cross- referencing should be used extensively, as well as references to relevant clauses in the prequalification / bidding documents. 5. If a large project is sliced into smaller similar contracts, applications and bids are offered on individual contracts (slices or lots) or on a group of similar contracts (packages). Award is made to the combination of bids offering the lowest cost to the Employer. 1 Sample Documents for Selection of Consultants is available for employment of consultants under JBIC ODA Loans. How to Use This Guide 2 6. The Borrowers are expected to study these guide and evaluation forms during project preparation, in order to properly assess the managerial and administrative capacity needed for evaluation of prequalification and bid. JBIC encourages the employment of experienced consultants to help in evaluations for complex contracts. The role of consultants for evaluation of prequalification and bidding is explained in this document. Cost for employing the consultant can be a part of JBIC ODA Loan funds, if agreed so in the Loan Agreement. Section I. Evaluation Principles 3 Section I. Evaluation Principles 1) Basic Principles The evaluation work must be strictly conducted on a basis of impartiality and fairness, with due attention to considerations of economy, efficiency, transparency and non-discrimination among eligible bidders, which are general principles laid down by Procurement Guidelines (Section 1.01(c)). 2) Evaluation Organizations The evaluation organizations are expected to be set up by the Borrower of JBIC ODA Loans. For example the organization may consist of three tiers: (1) a responsible Department or Unit in charge, at Executing Agency; (2) an authorized Evaluation Committee set up within or outside of Executing Agency; (3) a higher government authority, if necessary. However, it is noted that the establishment and authority of evaluation organizations must be in full accordance with laws and regulations of the Borrower country. It is desirable that the Borrower clearly specifies the roles and responsibilities for evaluation procedures, taken by each party of: the Executing Agency, the Evaluation Committee and the higher authority, and also of the consultant involved in the evaluation work. Members of the Evaluation Committee are to be selected in full accordance with laws and regulations of the Borrower country. The members usually include, but not limited to, the representative of Executing Agency, technical authority, and the consultant involved in the evaluation work is strongly recommended to be present in the evaluation process. 3) Role of Consultant When a consultant is employed for the purpose of assisting the Borrower in evaluation of prequalification and bid under projects financed by JBIC ODA Loans, the consultant is expected to support and assist the evaluation process, and the Borrower is required to maintain sufficient communication with the consultant, during evaluation procedure. The Evaluation Report prepared by the consultant must be fully understood by members of Executing Agency and Evaluation Committee, and a clarification can be made by the consultant to the Evaluation Committee members, if requested. For this purpose, it is strongly recommended for the consultant to be Section I. Evaluation Principles 4 present to the Evaluation Committee. In the case of difference of opinion, for evaluation results, between the Borrower and the consultant, a final evaluation report must clearly state those differences. The consultant is allowed to submit a copy of their evaluation report directly to JBIC (Guidelines for the Employment of Consultants under JBIC ODA Loans, Section 2.02(3)). 4) Record of Meeting It is desirable that the Borrower keeps a record of the Evaluation Committee Meeting for concluding the evaluation results and includes the record into the evaluation report. 5) Auditing In order to secure transparency in the procurement procedure under JBIC ODA Loans, it is desirable for the Borrower to adopt an authorized audit system, which enables to prove the fair and impartial procurement procedure, in accordance uploads/s1/ guide - 2023-05-31T030358.230.pdf
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